The Doctor

Among my general rules on Tinder is if a guy doesn't have a picture of themselves up, I'll pretty much automatically swipe left. Nope. Usually that's a flag that they are looking to cheat on someone or are otherwise catting around on the down low. But up popped a profile of a guy named... C... whose explanation for not having a picture up was because he had also come across some of his students on Tinder.

But the kicker is that in his profile, where he actually wrote some stuff, is that he said he was "Sapio". If you don't know why "Sapio" is, it refers to sapiosexual. That's not some new sexual or gender identity, it means that someone is attracted to intelligence. I am also sapiosexual. While physical attraction is certainly an important factor, looks will fade. We will get gray, wrinkly, saggy, and gain (or lose) weight. Hair may disappear. And you can only spend so much time getting frisky. A great conversation is a key factor for me. Frankly, someone who can stimulate me intellectually suddenly becomes much more attractive.

So I decided to swipe right on C, and he almost immediately messaged me. We started messaging back and forth, and then he sent me links to photos of himself. Not a stunner, but also reasonably attractive. We continued chatting and predictably moved to texting. Since he was about to go out of town for a conference, we met for a couple of beers at a local pub.

The conversation was fine, nothing too scintillating. We're both kind of introverted, and first dates are awkward. He had already told me he had "no game", and what's a couple of beers on a day off for me? Then it came time to part ways.

Oh, my. Suddenly, the boy had game. Serious game. Hard core game. That kiss was fiiiiiii-re. Then there was a second, and a third. I haven't been kissed like that in a very long time. He asked for a second date. Once I caught my breath, I agreed.

That date is tonight. Of course, we've been texting and flirting and dropping innuendos. Thankfully, he's content to move somewhat slow; no dick pics or anything like that yet. A few "soft porn" shots, PG-13 rated (okay, one is maybe R), but that is it. The presumption is already in the air of future dates; in fact, a tentative third date has already been scheduled.

So who is this guy? He's a 45 yo college professor who actually runs a non-profit internship program. Currently separated, just waiting for the paperwork to be finalized. Two kids; one in grad school and the other in high school. Very smart, and we have A LOT of things in common. And like most of the guys on Tinder, he has no idea what he wants. That's cool. We take it one step -- and one super hot flaming kiss -- at a time.


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