
Showing posts from January, 2015

Rebuttal Series, Chapter 1: The Child-Haters

Since my dating life is quiet and without blog-able drama, some of my followers have started sending me "interesting" articles and other blogs on dating, looking for me to comment upon them or address them on my own blog. On Sunday, one of my best friends showed me a blog post that had been shared on Facebook by one of her friends. Over lunch, I skimmed it on her phone. Later that evening while hanging out at my other best friend's house, I read it in more detail. It has taken me until now to be able to be in a calm enough frame of mind to even address parts of it. The blog post is titled "Ten Women Christian Men Should Not Marry." It is written by a conservative pastor in New York. And when I say "conservative," I mean "so fundamentalist, many fundamentalist Christians thinks he's a whack job." Seriously. This is the same person who reached minor internet fame when he proclaimed that Starbuck's lattes are flavored with the semen of

Explanation (Updated)

Almost 130 of you read my cathartic post about current stresses with D and our friendship. Many of you reached out to me with messages of love and support. But I am certainly not without my own mistakes. The biggest one I've made in my friendship with D so far was writing and posting that blog. I have taken that post down because some things are more important than drama blogs. D and I have talked, and things are back where they should be, in the comfortable realm of good friends who truly care for each other. I've agreed to be better about my communicating; I am someone who tends to bottle up pain, hurt, and frustration rather than talk about it, and that is no way to handle any kind of interpersonal relationship. I have found D to be an excellent and open listener: he doesn't jump to defenses, he hears me out, asks good questions, and sorts through what I have to say in a fair way while remaining calm. It will be a struggle for me to be what I perceive as confrontationa