Ugly, Ugly, Ugly

I have a good, even great, relationship with D's family. They love me, and I love them. I was able to extend the olive branch when he and his future daughter-in-law had a major spat. So of course I let them know what had happened, and not surprisingly they are concerned.

Today, his aunt called me. He and his aunt are good friends. In many ways, he's also the only child she's ever had. She was emotional, and so was I during our brief conversation. She told me that they (her & her husband) were going to go over to visit D in a bit, and that he hadn't answered their call, either — something he always does.

Less than a minute or two later, D called and proceeded to cuss me out but good for talking to his family and has now declared his family off limits.

Guess what, asshole? You can't tell me who I can be friends with. Even if they are related to you. And, you can't tell your family who THEY can be friends with. It doesn't work that way. You don't get to control everyone you know.

His future daughter-in-law has said that, regardless of D's wishes, that we are to stay in touch. He raised a great son who has chosen a wonderful woman to be in his life, and I'm lucky to know them both.


1. I had the locks changed on my apartment today. My landlord asked no questions when I said "psychotic break" and "he has a key to my apartment". I'm also using my chain because if a man is angry enough, a deadbolt won't stop them.

2. I have blocked him on my phone, at least for a couple days. I have done nothing worthy of being cussed out. Nothing. The issue is completely his, not mine, and I don't deserve his irrational reactions.

I don't know who he is anymore. His disease has taken complete control of his brain. It is devastating to witness, and heartbreaking to be the recipient. But right now, my safety is most important and my own mental health paramount.

I've got my fingers crossed and I'm praying for him, but otherwise I am gone. Done.


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