It's Getting Cloooooser....

...and Leo's getting laaaarrrrger!!

Bonus points if you know what movie I just quoted.

We are at T minus 44 hours, give or take, until the ball game.  THE ball game.  The one where me, my good friend, her boyfriend, and her son are being joined by P and his son.  "Date" #2, with an audience and offspring.

In the meantime, we've continued our usual texting and such.  Sometimes it's been flirty, even "adults only."  Sometimes it's been strictly business, if you will, such as dealing with the logistics of the tickets for Saturday.  And, nothing new, I keep vacillating between convinced he's into me and convinced he's still actively keeping his options open.

What I do know is that about 85% of the time when I text him, I get an immediate reply.  I don't know of anyone else who I text where the response rate is that high.  However, relationships are not built on texting alone.  Leave it to my friend to ask me, "You guys have actually talked since the date, right?"


The advent of texting has given me ample reason to continue hating talking on the phone.  Oh, sure, in high school I'd talk on the phone to crushes for hours.  As an adult, though, the phone is generally for business.  We live in an electronic age where texting, while not optimally efficient and prone to misinterpretations, has become the norm.  I have more roll-over minutes than God because the only people I ever really talk to on the phone are my parents.  Otherwise, the phone is for calling work... when I can't text.

So I took a deep breath and sent P a text -- at the advice of my friend, who, like P, is a divorced single parent.  The text simply said "Is there anything I should know or we should talk about before I meet your son?"

Valid question.  Although we've been texting like crazy, there's tons we don't know about each other.  And what two consenting adults say in text messages may not be appropriate for a 10 year old's ears.  On top of that, there's what I've mentioned in previous blogs, the things like I know nothing of the circumstances that led to P's divorce, how old his son was when it happened, and if the kid meeting Dad's "friends" is a common occurrence.  (Side note: P often refers to his son as "the kid" in text messages.  I'm not being snarky, for once.)

My confidantes have all said that if he is comfortable with me meeting his son this early on, he must be really comfortable with me and where things are going.  Ooookay.  I'll put that check in the "he's into me" column.  I see their point, although ever-cynical me also knows P lives with a crazy busy schedule (and he's had a pretty lousy week at work, from what he's told me), so bringing "the kid" at this point may simply be a practical thing.  Still, it means he wants to spend time with me, yes?

P responded to the text message almost immediately.  His answer?  "Dunno.  I don't think so.  I'm still at work but I'll try to call you tom[orrow] or Sat."

We shall see if said phone conversation actually happens.  I have gotten the impression -- and I could be all "head in the clouds" about this -- that he isn't worried about anything I may say or do in front of his son, or that something might come up that is awkward.  Still, I am a little apprehensive -- this is a big step.

So until I report back on Saturday night, my friends, keep it classy.


  1. The last time I made a spontaneous trip to KC it was to chase some guy I was all twitterpated over who was there on business. Even though I was thoroughly convinced he and I wouldn't last another 3 months I figured the trip was worth it because I'd get to hang out with you, have some fun, and catch up while he was working. Thanks for putting up with all of my craziness and twitterpation btw... I really appreciated it!

    Fast forward three YEARS and it's our turn (Me and "Mr. Twitterpated about but won't be around in 3 months" that is- oops I lost that bet!) to have YOUR back. Just be yourself and I promise that regardless of what the outcome is on Saturday night you will have a great time!

  2. Airplane!, said by the immoral Stephen Stucker.

    1. 5 bonus points for knowing the movie.

      10 bonus points for knowing the character.

      10 more bonus points for the fantastic use of the word "immoral."

      Well played!!


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