"Why is HE texting me?"

I literally said that out loud.

Let me paint the picture for you: I am sitting on a chair at the front of my church, facing the altar. In front of me is a music stand, and then 15 people, also seated. It's a typical early spring Wednesday night, and choir is rehearsing. To my left is another music stand with the top laid flat, supporting my second binder of music for the expanded Holy Week choir, my Dr. Pepper, and my cell phone, which is set on vibrate.

A cell phone in a plastic case on a metal surface on vibrate is loud. When I heard the *BUZZ BUZZ* -- or more like *BZZRATTLEZZ BZZRATTLEZZ*, of course I looked to see who was texting. I expected a female friend, or perhaps a text reminder of an upcoming appointment. (I had knee surgery not quite 6 weeks ago.) Nope. It was an ex.

Not that ex. The other ex. The one from like 5 years ago, who periodically texts to see what my relationship status is and/or if I'm singing with a local group. Usually, the answer is "taken" and "yes", but after the disaster that was the end of my friendship/relationship/whatever-the-f-it-was with D, I had to admit I was single.

To his credit, this time J didn't ask if I was interested in revisiting the best part of our brief relationship nor did he suggest in more colorful and explicit terms that I hook up with his best friend. Our conversation was generally mundane, two people who know each other and have similar interests yet who haven't remained close but are still friendly.

"So why are you blogging about this?" you ask. "This certainly isn't worth any drama!" And I would agree with you, had the conversation remained there.

You know me. There's going to be a plot twist somewhere.

Early the next morning, J texted again. He suggested we "hang out", and that it "would be good to catch up". He tossed out Monday or Tuesday as possibilities.

I haven't seen him in 2 years. We've only seen each other once, I think, since we split. That occasion was incredibly awkward; he suggested going to a movie to which I agreed -- and he chose "50 Shades of Grey". I'm serious. That's all we did: we met at the theater, bought our own ticket, conversed briefly, watched the movie, and parted ways. It was weird. Then again, D and I were for all intents and purposes an item then.

Ironically, he started this conversation by asking me if I'd seen the new "50 Shades" movie. I haven't. I can't say I really wanted to see the first. So far, he hasn't pursued that line of conversation any further. Thank God for the small things.

I agreed that it would be nice to "catch up". We're going to finalize plans on Monday. Last time I saw him, I discovered I had no interest, no attraction to him whatsoever. But, we were both at very different points in our lives. I sincerely doubt there will be any spark this go around. Honestly, I'm even really looking for anything right now.

"But that's when it happens!" everyone cries.

"Spare me," I mutter as I roll my eyes.

My last Match subscription was a complete waste. Of course, now I'm getting emails trying to lure me back, and come this summer I probably will. Right now, it's my super busy season at work and I'm recovering from knee surgery. Match sends me great offers -- "only $10 a month!!" -- but the fine print isn't so great -- "when you buy a 12 month membership". Seriously, a year? Paid up front in full? That's not exactly encouraging. (For perspective, they used to offer a "guarantee" -- if you had a 6 month subscription, fulfilled certain activity requirements, and didn't get into a relationship, your next 6 months was free.)

I will blog after Monday's "hang out and catch up" time, probably on Tuesday. There's no harm in us being friendly. Besides, it will be nice to share a glass of wine with someone other than my cats.


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