Siesta Time...

Things have been slow on the dating front.  Very slow.  Very quiet.  The rest of my life has been busy; as a church musician, Advent and Christmas barely clear before it is time to be thinking of Lent, Holy Week, and Easter.  Under my fitness instructor hat, I'm looking at a job change, leaving one gym I teach at which means I'm picking up additional classes and my schedule is in flux.  Oh, and if you aren't one of my Facebook friends or otherwise haven't heard, this past week my car was broken into, I had property stolen, and spent a cold, rainy-then-snowy night with no driver's window on my car.  (I also had to burn a personal day at work and drop $250 to get it fixed.)

So to not be juggling a bunch of men right now is somewhat of a relief.  At the same time, that wonderful February holiday is right around the corner, as we are reminded down most every store aisle and commercial on TV and radio.  Most people call it "Valentine's Day," but I prefer to call it "Singles Awareness Day."  Chances of me having a date: 0%.  I can claim it's because I have a service that night, but the truth is because I am still single.


Things with G are basically non-existent.  He warned me he was not good at texting, and that it was something of a joke with his friends, but there's a difference between bad at texting and just being non-responsive.  I texted him Tuesday night just saying I hoped his day was better than mine.  I did not mention my drama with the car.  Wednesday afternoon he replied saying he'd been a little under the weather, but hoped my day was going better.  I texted back, saying so far it was, that I'd just gotten home from the repair shop because my day had ended with my car being broken into.  Yesterday -- Friday -- evening I sent him a quick message saying "How are you feeling?"  I have not received a reply.

If he was actually and truly interested, either he'd reply or, better yet, have asked me out by now.  I have to accept that he, somewhere along the line, decided I wasn't as interesting as he initially thought from my profile.  Or perhaps things changed in his life, that he's busy or who knows what.  Regardless, he knows how to get a hold of me, and until then there's no need for me to reach out to him.

Meanwhile, I'm in one of those hiatus moods again.  I just don't have any interest in going out on Match and scrolling through profiles.  This has happened before, back shortly after I started on Match, and my return to the dating circus was due to a wink from our good ol' infamous P.  Maybe something like that will happen again, or maybe not.  Maybe things will pick up unexpectedly with G, or maybe not.

When things change, y'all will be among the first to know!


  1. Stumbled upon your blog while trying to find a blog I used to follow... no luck there but I'm glad to have found yours. Our dating experiences sound very similar. On one hand, misery loves company, but on the other... man, does it ever get better? I'm 31 and just ended a six-month "casual" relationship with someone I'd grown very attached to. Ugh, sooo not looking forward to getting back into this.


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