I'm Giving Up

No, I'm not talking about dating in general, although there are times where I briefly think that. I'm talking about, surprise, surprise, #6.

A quick recap: Last weekend, #6 (G) and I set up a lunch date for Tuesday. Monday evening he texted me, saying he was "a dummy" and got his work schedule confused. We found a time on Wednesday instead, thanks to me making some adjustments to my schedule. Wednesday rolls around, and 1.5 hours before we're supposed to meet for date #2, he calls with the car sales drama. A few texts later, and we think Saturday evening might work - again, because I've made some adjustments to my schedule thanks to understanding friends. Last night, I sent a text trying to firm up plans, which he read and did not respond to. This morning, I get a long text, full of apologies, but his ex wants to switch weekends so he has the kids can we try for next week or next weekend?

Here is where I am:
1. Clearly, I am making more of an effort than he is. I have long held that actions speak louder than words, and while his words generally say the "right" thing, his actions are telling a different story. I don't question the legitimacy of his reasons, but if I did that to a guy - rescheduling 3 times in a row - he'd most likely be long gone.

2. The ball is in his court, period. I know I've said that before, and about other guys, but I'm finally at the f*ck him stage. I replied that I was sure we could find a time next week or weekend, and when he knew his schedule better to let me know. I know he's read the text. If I don't hear from him again, his loss. I'm done reaching out and trying.

So what is going on elsewhere in my pathetic yet drama-filled love life?

D: We haven't talked since Tuesday night. We really haven't had a real reason to. He's working on his piece until we can "figure out how to work on it together," his words. I'll probably reach out sometime this weekend, just asking how the piece is coming, if he's even had time to work on it. We're just friends and, at this point, colleagues.

Match: I've been communicating with a couple of guys. One is new as of yesterday, and the emails zipped back and forth pretty quickly. This morning I replied and I have not yet heard back. Either he's busy at work or whatnot (he owns his own business) or I was just a day's amusement. The other one is someone that I had exchanged a couple of emails with, and he disappeared, only to reappear yesterday. We exchanged a few emails, too, but this one was... odd. After the first email, none of the other emails included a "get to know you" question, but he replied - and fairly quickly - to all my emails. Likewise, I have not heard from him today, but he, too, is a small business owner and had said things had been very busy at work.

As much fun as dating and the drama is, I do need to focus on some other aspects of my life. Perhaps this is the break that I don't want but I need. Life tends to have a way of doing that, doesn't it? So we shall see what life, God, and the universe have in store.


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