Hurry! Only 6 Days Left!

That was the subject line of the email I got from Match today, reminding me that my membership expires in 6 days. I haven't decided if I'm going to renew or not, and right now I feel no hurry to make that decision. Yes, they sent me a great "deal" on the cost, but I also know if I essentially play hard-to-get, they'll continue to send me those great "deals."

The truth is, like this blog, I haven't been out on Match much at all. In the past month, at least, I have only been on there to check winks and emails received. I couldn't tell you the last time I went through my Daily Matches. I just haven't had much interest in dating. I've started a new job and it has done crazy things to my schedule. One of my other jobs is very stressful right now. Dating has been on the back burner.

But a few stories of note, hence why I'm blogging.

The Jailbait
One guy who emailed me was all of 24 or 25. Being bored and he being reasonably cute, I replied, but in a way that pretty much flat out asked if he was serious or looking for a cougar. Turned out, he was serious. And, he was boring as hell via email. He finally got around to asking me out, and while hedging how to say no, I came down with the flu. True story. By the time I was feeling better, he'd met someone else. Good.

The "Famous" Guy
I never respond to emails or winks from guys who don't have a profile picture up, but I made an exception for this one because his email was so articulate. I'm such a nerd that good writing will make me overlook a slew of faults. But in the end, I wasn't fooled. His profile was full of "my family is very prominent in TV, radio, etc." claims, and when I asked him why he didn't have a picture up, that was the answer I got -- my family is so well-known that I don't want it out that I'm on Match blah blah blah. BUT if you go to <website>, I'm the guy wearing the blue jacket and blah blah blah.

Yeah, and if you go to, you'll see what I really look like. I just put those other pics up to weed out the crazies.

The Fitness Freak
This guy was reasonably attractive and articulate, and he emailed me. I responded, and the first question he asked, being very much into fitness, was how did I lose all my weight. I told him the story. And never heard from him again. Whatever.

Oh, yes, he's popped up again. Remember this past winter/spring when he popped up looking for sex, and then met someone? She dumped him. So he re-established contact, and spent a week or so trying to convince me to hook up with him. I'm not opposed to "Friends with Benefits," and in spite of all his awesome douchbaggery, he did have one particularly redeeming quality/skill. That said, once again anything has yet to happen, and I'm okay with that. Just the other day I saw a picture of him a mutual friend posted on Facebook as part of a check-in, and frankly, he looked like shit. Granted, they were casual and at a bar, and he's not always the most photogenic person (he's one of those people who looks different in every picture), but still. He looked like shit.

I pretty much thought I would never blog here about D again. We had settled into a semi-distant friendship over the transcribing of his composition. A week or so of fairly frequent contact, and then silence. About a month ago, I sent him a funny via text, and I never got a reply. That smarted for a few days, I admit, but as much because I think it's rude to not acknowledge a text (unless the conversation is clearly at an end) as because it was him. But I got over it, and continued on with my life.

Then last weekend, I'm relaxing on the couch, playing around on my iPad Mini, when an Apple Device-to-Apple Device message came up from an unfamiliar number. As I was pondering who it could be, a few seconds later behind me my phone woke up with D's custom text tone. Now I thought I sent long text messages, but on the iPad Mini screen, this was about 4" long. Twice he apologized for not replying to the funny text, which he did think was funny. Said he had finished his composition and started another, but hadn't felt much like composing. He was hesitant to text me, but would I be willing to help him finish it sometime? And the kicker: he said that not having me as a friend of some sort would be a tragedy to him. His words.

We conversed back and forth that evening; of course I'm willing to help him out. We set a day -- based on the epic text, I was thinking he was thinking maybe a couple, three weeks, but no, how about next Friday? By the end of that conversation, he was relaxed and we were texting like old times, save the "I love yous," of course.  Wednesday, as promised, he texted to confirm a time, but that text turned me on my ear a little.

It was a friendly, like old times text. And it said, "I figured we'd wing it for dinner."

Wait, dinner? That hadn't been mentioned. One of my female confidantes said maybe that was his way of being practical, and also getting the awkwardness out of the way before getting down to work. Okay, I can buy that, except in my brain "practical" would have been "let's have dinner each on our own, and then get together to work so there's no confusion as to motives/intentions." Adding dinner to the equation has this feeling like what I call a Duck Situation. We're just friends, but we're both single, and we're doing something that really feels like a date, except neither of us is saying that word. In other words, it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck, but someone is calling it a squirrel.

His words about tonight: he's "very excited," "very happy" we'll be seeing each other, and the text I got just a half hour or so ago, "looking forward to seeing you again." This feels so much like our first date did, and subsequently I'm as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof. We've been as intimate as two people can be, so why am I nervous about seeing him in 45 minutes?

Of course, I polled a few female friends. Two out of three immediately went to the "oh, he wants to reconcile/you are so getting laid" route, and the third did not. My male colleague at work, upon hearing the barest of bones about the story, said, "Girl, you gonna get you some old wood tonight! <dirty old man laugh>" But I am going in expecting friends and nothing more. I'm open to more, but I'm not expecting nor hoping for it.

And here are my reasons why "something more" won't happen:

1. As previously said, 2 out of 3 female confidantes think it will happen.
2. From a man's perspective, he think it will happen.
3. While only a semi-believer in horoscopes (horoscopes and Christianity is another blog post), two of them today said promising things about my love life and big changes coming that were exciting and not nerve-wracking.
4. I shaved my legs in the shower this morning.

We all know Murphy and his Law, so that list is more than enough reason for tonight to be just friends. And I'm okay with that. What will happen will happen, although I did spend more time on refreshing my makeup after work than I did putting it on all mornings this week combined. You know, I had to get the "of course I wear my eye makeup like this to work all the time I didn't put it on like this just because I know my eyes are one of your favorite features" look just right.

Deep breaths. Deep breaths.  And yes, there will be a follow-up post, eventually.


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