Where Do Things Stand?

A little over a week ago, I was all nervous and edgy about seeing D again for the first time, really, since the split. It turned out, as we know from my last post, just fine. Very well, in fact. But what has happened in the "ever after?" Sure, we both said we wanted to get together again, and we both said, "soon." Lines like that have been said for years between two people and we all know how frequently that happens. "We should do lunch sometime!" almost never occurs.

Well, after some good texting during the week, we did get together again. On Saturday we spent almost 7 hours together. We talked, and talked, and talked, and ate barbecue while talking, and talked some more. And then we talked. It was wonderful. Seriously, how many people do we really get in our lives that we can talk to for hours on end, talking about everything and nothing? After 7 hours, neither of us were ready for it to end, but I had to work early the next morning and it was almost 11:00 p.m.

Many things are clear. We both truly and deeply care for the other person. We both enjoy spending time with the other person. We are both honestly happy that we have reconnected. It would be easy to launch into the obsessive over-analyzing that I'm kind of known for on this blog, dissecting comments and actions and body language and minutae, but I'm not going to. Really.

Like last week, I'm happy with where things are. The future needs to be dealt with one step, one day at a time, not 15 obsessive teenage girl conversations at a time. We spent 7 hours together. That's a long time.  After a chunk of time like that, who knows when the next time we get together will be?

Oh, wait. That was less than 24 hours later. True story. We texted some on Sunday, and after my concert was over and I'd gone to dinner with a friend, he asked me to drop by for a while. If I wanted to, of course. So even though I was tired, sleep-deprived, all dressed up in concert wear, and in a
serious food coma after a giant plate of pasta, I dropped by for a bit. Which became 3.5 hours. More talking, discussing, visiting, conversing, and enjoying each other's company. I said, "I should probably go home," and he launched into another topic.

He's had a rough go of it lately, as I've said, but he's picking up the pieces and putting his life back together. Right now, I am more than happy to be a stable and unconditionally caring friend. I get as much enjoyment out of spending time with him as he does with me. And the hugs are great. I'm a sucker for a great hug, and he gives some amazing hugs.

I've been given instructions to "text whenever," and that is especially true if all I'm texting to say is, "hey, how are you?" or, "how's your day going?" You know, like he just literally did to me as I'm typing this.

For the first time since I started this blog, I'm not going to hypothesize about the possibilities of the future or anything like that. I'm very, very happy with where things are, and I'm perfectly content to take it one day at a time, nice, slow, and steady.


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