Giving Away Memories

Just a quick post, more like an observation.

In my last post, I didn't update all of you readers on what has happened to me physically over the past couple of months.  I had said in previous posts that I was losing weight, a combination of the ever-popular "Broken Heart Diet" and over-exercising as a numbing behavior.  Since then, I've brought the exercise under better control, but my teaching schedule at the gym has increased because it is summer.  I've also leveled out the eating, thanks to the "My Fitness Pal" app.

The result, as of today?  Around 30 pounds lost since the ex cut me loose.  (My total weight loss over 3.75 years is now just shy of 110 pounds.)

With the weight loss, I have been going through periodic closet purges.  The experts all agree that when your clothes get too big, you should get rid of them rather than keep them.  That way, if you start to put weight back on, you are motivated to take it off rather than just pull out the older, larger clothes.  Tomorrow I am giving 2 kitchen garbage bags of clothes to a coworker/one of my bosses to give to one of her clients.  This client is now about 1-2 sizes larger than me and still losing.  She also is in financial difficulties, and I well know first-hand how costly constantly replacing one's wardrobe can be.  I've always given away my "too big" clothes rather than do the consignment shop thing, and I'm glad to help her out even though I've never met her and don't even know her name.

This latest purge has me getting rid of several dresses.  I tend to have a sentimental connection to clothing, as my appearance and fashion is a key way I express myself.  In this pile are two dresses that have particularly fond and distinct memories for me, memories of a great weekend with the ex.  Could the dresses be altered?  Probably, as they aren't that big.  But instead, I have folded them up and tucked them into one of the garbage bags.

I am giving away the tangible reminder of a memory.  I could look back and reminisce about that great weekend and when those dresses helped me look like a siren, and bemoan the fact that they no longer do that.  Or, when the ex and I finally get around to reconnecting in person (we will, although I suspect we are still a few months away from that), he can see that his dumping me didn't result in my laying about all the time and drowning my sorrow in cheese puffs.

(I've actually done that.  Hey, you don't become almost 300 pounds by eating well and being active.)

And I won't need those dresses to make me look like a siren, because I have significantly better dresses that flaunt the siren I am.

*snaps fingers in a Z*


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