Welcome Back, Sports Fans! (Expanded/Updated)

This first went up as a "quick post" to satisfy the curiosity of my recent Facebook status that let drop I was "texting with a potential date," which brought on questions of, "Does this mean the blog is back up?" Now that I have a little more time, I've come back to expand upon it.

First, a brief review of the status of the last round of twitterpated drama. There were three guys. Gentleman #1 got married over Thanksgiving weekend. Most of our mutual friends said, "I didn't even know he was dating anyone!" Gentleman #2 and I are still comfortably friendzoned, and in spite of the firm beliefs of my ex who thinks this guy & I have some sort of sordid sexual history that I refuse to admit, we probably always will be just friends. And Gentleman #3... just, no.

Now for our newest entry, Mr. E. This is another set-up by a friend, although this time around the friend knows at least one of us pretty well. (If you remember from the disastrous aforementioned ex from not quite a year ago, he & I learned pretty quickly on that the friend who had set us up really didn't know either of us all that well.) The match-making friend asked me if I was seeing anyone (no), that she had a friend who was "divorced, ready to be back dating, and interested," and could she give him my number.

Sure, why not? It's not like I have anything else going on, except empty promises and perpetual excuses as to why I haven't rejoined Match. So I gave her permission to give her friend my number.

This happened on Valentine's Day. Oy.

Then... nothing. Silence. Not a peep. Questions floated through my head when I stopped to think about the situation. Maybe she hadn't gotten around to giving him my number. Maybe he really wasn't "interested." Maybe he thought simply texting a woman out of the blue was weird and awkward. But, I was without his number, so the ball was totally in his court. And it wasn't like I'd invested anything into this -- no membership fees, no extensive profile, no constantly taking selfies to find the perfect profile picture. All I'd done was zip my number to my friend via Facebook.

7 days later, my text message tone sounded and a text pops up from an unfamiliar number. Since I'd largely given up on "her friend," I assumed it was a colleague looking for a sub for a class. I was driving and I didn't grab my phone right away, since it was not a number I recognized. When I did look at the messageS, I was pleasantly surprised to see it was from this "friend." So, I replied. We ended up spending the rest of the evening texting back and forth.

Here's what I know about him that I can share. He's older, 47, and has been divorced for about 3 years, so no "brand new divorcee" issues. He has two kids, a 19 year old son and a 12 year old daughter. He's an engineer, loves cats (thank God!), and while lapsed from attending church, he is a Christian and still considers himself spiritual. Basically, he is one of the millions who has left organized religion in pursuit of their own Godly experiences. He is also a kindred soul when it comes to the working out thing; a former marathoner, he says he is now happy to run just "2 or 3 miles."

And what he knows about classical music could be written on a small post-it note. Very small. Very, very small. And most of it came from our conversation last night.

You win some, and you lose some. There are inherent advantages and disadvantages to this, to be discussed later. I know practically nothing about his appearance; according to our mutual friend he works in IT, and a Google search revealed he has a very limited presence on social media -- a LinkedIn profile with no picture. Our friend has said he's "tall and lanky," and as I said he's a runner. (Yes, in this day and age, you better believe people are Googling each other prior to meeting!)

So where does it go from here? That's the question he asked me, substituting "we" for "it", at the end of our first texting conversation. My response was that I have a bit of an old-fashioned streak, so that ball was in his court... keep texting, perhaps meet up for coffee or something. He replied saying that was cool, let's keep texting, maybe look for an opportunity to meet for coffee, and that he'd reach out "later this weekend if that is OK?"

Remember my patience level when it comes to dating? Challenge #1. I will not text him. I will not text him. I will not text him. I will not text him. I will not text him. I will not text him.

I successfully mastered the challenge, and true to his word, he did reach out. It is now Sunday -- the first conversation being Friday afternoon/evening -- and he texted a little over half an hour ago to see if I'd be available later for some more conversation after he gets in a quick workout. Of course I will be!

Maybe I'll have a reason to post again. We shall see. One step at a time, no need to rush anything. I've certainly learned my lesson with moving too fast, and while I may get impatient I know better. Besides, I have a recital I should be working on.


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