T Minus 44 Hours and Counting

We're nearing the final countdown. In less than 2 days, I'll be having coffee with Mr. E. I'll be honest, I'm getting increasingly excited for this date. It will only be about an hour long; he can't get there until 5:30 (unless he slips out of work early) and I have to leave for my own work at 6:30.

So far, the connection has been good. First, the texting. Then last night, a 45 minute phone call - not bad for a first conversation, even if it didn't end until 11:30, which both of us agreed tonight was a bit too late.

Yes, tonight. I walked in the door at 7:35, a little later than usual for a Tuesday, clutching my McDonald's take-out because I was too tired to cook. I was ready to change from workout leggings into sweats and settle down at my home office desk to work further on a freelance project. Then my phone rang.

An hour and a half later - you read that correctly, 90 whole minutes later - we hung up. We were both that much more relaxed and "ourselves" in this conversation, and we knocked out some of the big potential issues. Politics, religion, favorite foods, preferred movie types, swearing, things naturally came up and were discussed as needed.

Incidentally, we are very copacetic on all accounts. Ever-skeptical me is wondering what I have yet to ask that would reveal a huge bomb, of course. But until then, I'll just enjoy being all a-flutter again.

We learned we both did the Match thing, and we traded war stories. Things actually went into the land of flirting, all very comfortable and nothing overt. We shared quite a few laughs, as we have a very similar sense of humor. Frankly, this could be dangerous. And we agreed that Thursday was just coffee, no pressure, no huge expectations.

Even if we both are really excited for it.

We also faced the really awkward thing: self-descriptions. How will we recognize each other?  After having conversed about questionable Match profile pictures, we were both a little leery. We wanted to be honest, but at the same time put our best foot forward. Based on his self-description, I am unlikely to have any complaints. Tall and dark-featured, a good dresser. And he "has a thing" for women in heels. Since he has a full 12" on me in height, I can wear any and all of my heels with impunity. He also responded favorably to my self-description; I already knew he, while not having a strong preference, did prefer brunettes. The rest of it seemed to be quite acceptable to him.

Of course, the real test will be when we actually see how accurate our self-descriptions - and our interpretation of the other's description - really are. But until then, so far I like what I know. I'm guardedly optimistic.

And I might have to buy our mutual friend a nice bottle of wine. We shall see.


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