First Date...???

Well, I've started chatting in earnest with a gentleman off Tinder. Our conversations have been great. The more we get to know each other, the more intrigued I am. I'm very anxious to meet him.

The problem is, our first date had to be cancelled and is yet to be rescheduled.

A little bit about him, without sharing too much: he's tall and extremely fit. How fit? He does "ultra" races for fun. If you don't know what an ultra race is, it's usually at least 50 miles running, over 100 miles cycling. Last weekend, he did a 100 mile off-road bike race. On his bucket list is to run a 100 mile race. Run. 100 miles. That's just shy of 4 marathons. But he's not one of those scrawny, zero body fat, all-I-do-is-run body types.

I'd probably die trying to run a 5k, and I work out regularly.

He's very good looking and very successful at his job, where he's ascended the ranks to be a Vice President. Being a Capricorn and very much attracted to successful men, this is a huge thing for me. Not that I wouldn't have found him appealing without that information; I didn't know that about him when we first started chatting. But I can't be honest and say it didn't help.

This, however, is where the first date fiasco happened. Story time, kids!

We decided a week ago we wanted to meet. That week was not an option, though. Between my work schedule and his having to go on a business trip plus his race out of town, we couldn't find a mutually acceptable day until Wednesday -- tomorrow. The initial plans were to meet at a local bar and grill kind of place for a drink, see where things led. Typical first date kind of stuff.

The only dilemma for me was what to wear. It's a place I've been to several times, and one where you can wear jeans or be a little more dressed up. But, it's also possible to over-dress. I firmly believe you only get one chance to make a first impression, so I put a lot of thought and planning into my first date attire. When shopping for shoes, I fell in love with a fabulous pair of bright blue microsuede ultra-high heels. These shoes are a-maz-ing. But too dressy for where we were going. I mentioned this to him, and he said, "we can go nicer." I said I was fine with that, but it was his money. He laughed, said he didn't have a problem with that, and recommended a much nicer restaurant.

As in, a 4 star restaurant, where everything on the menu has a price that is double digits, words like "gastrique" are used, and almost every dish uses some curveball ingredient you've only seen before on "Chopped". A place I'm sure I'll love, but has never been on my radar because it's well beyond my budget.

He's a regular.

Being a somewhat type-A person, I had everything planned out for our date. Great LBD (per his request), fabulous shoes, perfect accessories. I figured out when I was going to hide the increasing amount of gray in my hair, and mentally laid out my gym trips so I could be sure to also do my UV light therapy. (Some people would call it tanning, but I do it for my fibromyalgia and claim the tan is a side effect.)

Then yesterday he texted. He just found out he was probably going to have to go out of town again. Things had gotten very busy and stressful. He was so sorry. Right now, he's on a plane. I know his travel dates but he hasn't had a chance to even tell me where he's going. He was looking forward to the date as much as I was because he's equally interested in me.

As of this moment, we haven't rescheduled the date. Regular readers of this blog will know that situations like this stress me out. Because he's been so busy with work, I haven't heard from him much in the past 24-36 hours. I understand this is all part of the equation; you can't want a professional, successful man and then not be understanding and flexible when his job has to be his first priority. And, we're not in a relationship although both of us have expressed clear interest in that -- him first, in fact.

So I wait. Impatiently. But wait nonetheless.


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