I Really Just Did That

So obviously, it has been quite the week or so. There have been ups, and there have been downs. In fact, let's recap the past 10 months.

October: Get catfished and then stalked, file police report. Meet a guy from Match, have a fabulous date. Cancel a date with another guy to go on date #2, which ends up being a dud. Make reparations with the guy I canceled on, go on a date, fireworks, relationship.

December: get dumped by relationship guy. Merry Christmas. Reconnect with Match guy and go on several dates. Continue to realize just how weird Match guy is.

Early January: contract life-threatening infection, go to ER and get admitted to hospital. Have a 4 hour emergency surgery, spend 8 days at the Hospital "Hilton", then 6 weeks on full disability.

February: contemplate life. Heal. Get strong enough to sit up without needing my heavy duty brace. Go back to "light duty" at one job. Random chatting with Match guy, who is now firmly in my mind just a friend.

March: back to all my jobs, eventually. Still healing. Still being annoyed by Match guy.

April: serious looking around on the job front. Match guy keeps messaging but won't follow through on plans.

May: decide maybe I should go back on Tinder. Maybe. Am I healthy enough -- literally -- to do this? Doctor said 6-12 months.

June: get new-but-not-new job, go back on Tinder. Get ghosted by 3 guys in a row. Meet the latest. Fireworks? I thought so, but he apparently didn't. Meet his friends, get dumped at the same time. Reconnect with a guy who ghosted me; turns out to be a scammer who wants me to send him money via bitcoin. Yeah, no. Buh-bye. Finally meet up to "catch up" with Match guy, who expressed dismay that I didn't want to date him. Seriously?

Which brings us to July.

I've lived more life in the past 10 months than many people do in years. So I've decided I deserve a vacation from drama. I've changed jobs, texted and been on dates with more men than any self-respecting woman probably should (ha! how misogynistic of me to say that), had major changes at a second job. The new-not-new job comes with a lot more responsibilities and I've been told by leadership to hold onto my hat because more is coming.

I'm going to focus on me. I'm going to focus on my jobs and making my finances work with less money coming in. Give the cats the attention they believe they deserve, even though it's much too hot for warm furry bodies to be on me. I'm going to spend time with my friends, go to the pool and gym. And among those friends I may or may not spend time with would be the latest.

Yeah, you read that right.

What I did that I don't quite believe is I texted him. Now I'm a very spiritual person, but I'm not overbearing about it. I rarely share pithy Bible verses and religious memes on Facebook. I don't evangelize. I'm solid in my faith but completely accepting that other people experience spirituality in different ways than I do. And the past couple of days I've felt overwhelmingly that I needed to reach out to him to let him know I wasn't angry at him. In fact, I just might be about ready to be friends again, if he is still interested in that. We had great conversations. We legitimately enjoyed being in each other's company. He has a lot of stuff he needs to figure out about himself, as do I. So why not be friends? We don't have to be dating to spend time together.

Besides, he's up 3-2 in Trivial Pursuit, and I want revenge.

What does that mean for the blog? Absolutely nothing. I'll still post. Who knows who might pop back up in my life, or what man has been secretly admiring me from afar, waiting for the right opportunity to let his love be known like some Nicholas Sparks novel. (I actually had a well-meaning older friend tell me today that when he finally met his current wife, it was "like boom! just like in the movies!". Ooooookaaaay.) And I'm going to try to avoid all the advice, all the unsolicited "you won't find someone unless you put yourself out there" and "love usually happens when you stop looking for it" (seriously, which one is it?) and "I'm sure there's a man out there deserving of you" and "It'll happen when it happens" (gee, thanks, Captain Obvious). I know people mean well, but really... it doesn't help. Thank you anyway.

So until next time...


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