Tinder, Chapter 3: Deja vu

Comparing Tinder and Match isn't even like comparing apples and oranges. It's more like comparing a complex Bruckner symphony with a top 40 pop song. Match requires the dedication, depth, and analysis of a Bruckner symphony (and ultimately you may not find much... a little music nerd joke there). Tinder is that ear worm that you can't quite get rid of, no matter how many times you change the dial. And yet... it's catchy. You find yourself singing along in spite of it. You even add it to your Apple Music playlist.

A couple days ago, I was talking with a friend about the guy I'd been chatting with on Tinder, had set up a date with, and then canceled on. The guy who got upset. I thought I would never hear from him again. My friend thought otherwise.

I hate it when I'm wrong. I admit it, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

Yesterday I was headed to my dinner break at work and pulled my phone out of my back pocket. Sure enough, I had a Tinder message from him. Now given what I've been dealing with concerning my stalker and everything, I was a little apprehensive. This guy had been saying things that had made me think he was falling too hard, too fast. With some trepidation, I opened the message.

It was an apology for how he had reacted and responded. He'd been bragging about me to his friends and then he had to eat humble pie when I canceled on him. During my dinner break we exchanged messages; I had asked if I could hang onto his number. We agreed to try again and set up another date, which is scheduled for Wednesday -- probably happy hour drinks. He has sent me one message since that has me putting the brakes on slightly. He admitted he is "strongly attracted" to me and that this is "somehow different".

We haven't met yet. Calm down, buckaroo. We'll see what Wednesday brings.

Meanwhile, I continue to chat with other guys on Tinder. After 6+ years of this, I know better than to put my eggs in one basket. You know, like I did not too long ago only for that to not work out the way I was hoping. Yesterday and today I was chatting with a guy and today he wanted to FaceTime.

Now, FaceTime is a really good way to make sure that the person you might be meeting looks and is the same as what you saw online. However, I use Google Voice for texting with my Tinder guys, and you can't video chat on that. We were talking on the phone (via Google Voice) and I told him I had recently had issues with a stalker but I would trust him with my real phone number. I had put him in my contacts so his name would show up on GV, and when I went to text him on my real number....

I have my text messages set to never be deleted. So imagine my surprise when I pulled him up and a long string of text messages from 4 YEARS AGO showed up. He'd hit me up on Match. I ultimately decided not to meet him back then. Today we both had an unexpected break from work so we met up for a quick cup of coffee and some chatting. Interesting what 4 years can do. I don't see him as any sort of long-term potential, just someone fun to hang out with while I'm kissing frogs hoping one turns into a prince.

Of course, I'm chatting with other guys. Even one on Match. Well, he messaged me, I replied, and that's been it so far. Typical Match. And there's certainly no shortage of guys wanting to chat with me on Tinder, which is both a blessing and a curse. I guess I'd better make sure I have plenty of chapstick handy as I'm looking for that one to be in a relationship with.


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