Quick Update - and a Dilemma?

I don't plan on this being a twice-a-day blog.  I hardly believe it will be more than a twice-a-week blog once I get the initial ideas out of my system and into cyberspace.  Nonetheless, here is today's second post.

First, the update.  Bachelor #2 texted, and less than 24 hours after our date.  Hmm.  During our conversation, he asked me out for date #2, and ostensibly tonight.  I asked for a rain check for two reasons: 1., I had just left the gym and call me lazy, but I didn't want to take a shower and get all gussied up again.  It's been a long week.  And 2., I'm on call to sub for a colleague at the gym tomorrow morning.  A 5:40 a.m. class.  Yeah.  Which means my booty will be in bed about 9:00, not out on a date.  So we've left date #2 for some ambiguous day next week.

Now, the possible dilemma.  Bachelors #1 and #2 aren't the only irons in the fire, so to say.  Bachelor #3 and I have been chatting about as long as #2, but we haven't gotten to the date stage yet.  However, #3 has expressed more than once his dismay over my going on a date with #2, although he knows it's all part of life and being on a dating site.  We texted some today, and I've dropped some pretty big hints that I'm up for a date -- all he has to do is ask.  Which has yet to happen, and that's okay; these things don't have to happen immediately.  Part of me wants to tell #3 that #2 has asked for a second date -- you know, to spurn him into action -- and part of me just wants to be pursued, that if he's not willing to pursue me some, is he really worth it at all?  It's a tricky line, and this is uncharted territory for me.

Scintillating for you, I'm sure.  Who needs reality TV?!


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