And the Hits Just Keep on Coming!

In my last post, I wrote about how my Match profile was once again getting a lot of attention.  It was as if it was one of those Internet memes... "Suddenly: Attention."  Well, it wasn't a fluke or a one-time occurrence.  Even the same day I posted about it, I got more notifications.  So far, the tally for the past 5 days is winks from 7 different guys and 6 emails from 4 different guys.

6 emails, but only 4 different guys?  Does this mean I'm conversing with someone?  Yes and no.

But first, the winks.  None of them have I reciprocated.  None.  Zero.  Zilch.  Nada.  Zip.  The vast majority fell into the, well, creeptastic category.  If your picture looks like a "cleaned up" version of that guy on the news who used to drive an ice cream truck until he was arrested for molesting a 7 year old, I'm not gonna be jumping for joy and excitedly hitting the reply button.  Granted, I'm probably projecting irrationally, but in reality we have little control over who and what we truly find attractive.

The emails... ah, yes, the emails.  The first scintillating candidate commented on one of my pictures, which actually comes to me as an email.  (It's a little confusing how Match does it, although they say "leave a comment and see where the conversation takes you!")  I just wasn't interested in what I read on his profile, and in many ways "commenting" on a picture doesn't demand a reply at the same level as a direct email does (although I've gotten over my politeness at replying to every email I get).

Candidate number two's email said, "dang 37 and up only lol?" Aside from the tantalizing witticism of that missive, the kid was 25.  Even if you go by the "acceptable age range formula" of half your age plus seven, he's still too young.  (With that formula, the youngest I "should" date is 26.)  So I'm flattered, I suppose, but moving along.

Now we come to the two gentlemen who have multiple emails.  When I posed the rhetorical question of whether or not I was conversing with someone, I answered "yes and no."  The no is because one bachelor sent me the same email twice.  Since the entirety of the email was "Hi," once was enough.  I suspect there was a hiccup in the program when he hit send, because the two emails arrived within seconds of each other.  This 49 year old gentleman is a serious gym rat.  His profile picture is him, shirtless, muscles bulging as he flexes.

Too bad MTV cancelled "Jersey Shore."  He'd make an interesting addition, I suspect.  At least, that's what his profile picture screamed.  Even though I try to not be shallow and judge based on a single picture, if that is the picture you want initially associated with you... well, this woman isn't all that interested in digging further into your profile.  We'll just say we're "not a match," okay?

However, the final bachelor has gotten a reply.  He initially commented on a photo as well -- the same one as the aforementioned photo comment email -- but this time, between his comment and his profile, I decided to reply.  He's responded, so have I, so we'll see where this one goes.  There was enough in his profile to make me interested, but the fact that he lists his political views as "conservative" may or may not be an issue.  It will depend on what he's conservative about.  In a Match first, though, he's my age.  My. Age.  Not younger, not older, but exactly my age.  And in a life first, he's a heterosexual hairdresser, which seems like a stereotypical oxymoron.  Oxymoron or not, if we meet, I should get my roots done before then.

For now, though, I have plenty elsewhere in my life to keep me amply busy.  This, in spite of a well-meaning member of my church asking me today that since I was down to 3 jobs from 4, did this mean I'd have time for a boyfriend?  Apparently, my mother isn't the only one wanting me to get hitched.


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