And They're Off!

It was only two days ago.  Two days.  A little after 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday was when my friend L sent her sly little "confirmation email" about next week's gathering/blind date which also served as a way of putting me and BDJ in more direct contact.  It was at 9:00 that same evening that I received my first direct email from him.

I blogged about the "two words."  So now we continue the story.

The emails on Thursday -- yes, plural -- were considerably longer and we've been having a good time exchanging information and starting to get to know each other.  That, in and of itself, isn't really blog-worthy material.  He isn't the first guy that I've zipped back and forth multiple emails in a day with.  I do have to say, though, the more I learn about him, the more interested I am.  And, I was pretty interested to begin with.

Today as the email exchanging continued, the following happened:

4:19 p.m. -- I send email reply #2 of the day.  As a postscript, I give him my cell number and an invitation to text.

4:23 p.m. -- My text message tone sounds.  Guess who it is?

I haven't had a guy this interested in texting me after getting my number since the infamous P.  Needless to say, I'm flattered and happy and all those things, but at the same time I have a little trepidation because what if when we meet in person the connection isn't there?  He's seen a picture or two of me, but what if what he finally sees in person doesn't interest him?  Or vice versa?

Can you say "putting the cart before the horse?"

We texted up until it was time for my rehearsal.  After my service this evening, I was debating whether or not I should text him.  We had left it at "TTYL," after all, but what to say?  Before I could obsess about that too much, he texted me, asking how my service went.

Let's see.  He's thoughtful, communicative, intelligent, a rock-solid Christian, seemingly very interested in me, single, no kids, no ex-wife... and of course, tall, dark, and handsome.  We have many interests in common, including tastes in music, alcohol, and food.  He's starting to seem almost too good to be true.  What's the catch?

Or maybe it's just time for me, finally?  Time to really meet someone?

Cart before the horse... cart before the horse...


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