Blind Dates

Most of us have heard the stories of being set up on blind dates.  Many, if not all, of those stories are shared because the blind date turns out to be disastrous, unless it is the rare exception, the answer to the question posed to a married couple asking "how they met."  I have honestly never been on a blind date, nor have I even been set up on one.

Yes, there are elements to dating someone from a site like Match or eHarmony that make it like a blind date.  Although you've seen a profile and been communicating in some way, there's plenty you don't know about each other, such as the accuracy of the pictures.  In this day of email and texting, chances are you don't know what the other person's voice is going to sound like.  (Personally, I'm not a big fan of talking on the phone except to a very, very short list of people.  I've never talked to a date before meeting them in person.)

That may change, though.  Not the phone part, the blind date part.

Today I had lunch with a colleague and friend, another instructor through the organization that I teach fitness. We've been Facebook friends and she loves classical music so she often comes to my gigs.  Beyond that, we've never spent much time together until today when we met for a fairly quick lunch.  The whole conversation was just amazing, learning how much we had in common beyond our fitness stuff.  Her and her husband are very involved in their church and in shepherding an almost monastic prayer community.  This evening she sent me a message via Facebook.

In a nutshell, her and her husband had invited to dinner a couple of guys who go to their church who they wanted to get to know better.  One is a singer with several groups in town, and my friend asked him if he knew me.  His answer was, apparently, "No.  Is she single?"  So my friend has basically asked for permission to set me up with him.  I've said, heck, why not?  It's not like Match is going nuts right now.

On that note, JM and I are still emailing.  This week is crazy busy for me, so for once I was the one delaying a response.  Part of me is glad he isn't pushing, rushing, and part of me is wondering just how many emails we're going to send back and forth before he asks for a number or starts to drop hints about meeting.  I know, patience!

But back to the potential blind date, right now I have a name, an age, and the knowledge that he attends the church of a friend of mine.  According to her, he's a "professional" (who apparently also sings) and an all-around good guy.  This could be interesting.  Or, it could be my own story of a disaster.

Either way, you'll hear about it first on this blog.


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