When We Last Left Off...

So the last time I blogged, J3 had come back into my life -- and back into my bedroom, admittedly -- and I had date #2 on the calendar with M, although I wasn't overly excited about it.  I was counting on that chemistry to develop with repeated exposure.  It's definitely time for an update!

Let's start with J3, shall we?  Would anybody -- anybody -- be surprised if I said I haven't heard from him since Tuesday night?  Nope!  If I were a betting woman, I'd bet that he'll be like my friend in CA described: a shark attack.  He'll text or otherwise be in contact when he wants some action, and at any other time I won't hear from him.  I'm willing to be just a booty call, because as I've said before in other posts it satisfies my "needs" so I can move at a more appropriate pace with better guys.

I think I need to find the "Jaws" theme and make it his text tone.

Now we come to M.  On Friday we met up to see the movie "Lincoln."  Now the reader reviews I've read have been strictly divided; people either love it or hate it, and those that hate it do so because of historical inaccuracies and/or omissions.  To them, I say: it is a movie made for entertainment value and general consumption, not a documentary for the History Channel.  And, at 2:30 long, there is only so much that can be covered, people.  Frankly, I found it a wonderful movie, and I'll just congratulate Daniel Day Lewis on his Oscar now.  (Sally Field drove me batty, but I suppose Mary Todd Lincoln was over-the-top, too.)  I could go into a whole discourse on how politics have and yet have not changed in the 150 years since Lincoln's presidency, but this is a dating blog.  So, back to the date.

The problem with a movie, and only a movie, as a date is that there isn't much opportunity for interaction.  We chatted a little as we went into the theater and during the commercials -- not previews, but the commercials for the TV programs before the previews -- and made a few comments during the movie.  Afterwards, we chatted some on the way out to our cars and that was it.  We hadn't made dinner plans and because it was a school teaching day for me, I'd had an early dinner because those days tend to shift my eating schedule up early.  Besides, a 6:05 movie that is 2:30 long... dinner at 9:00 p.m. is just too late for me, and he has a 14 year old daughter to get home to.

All that said, it was an enjoyable evening.  I can honestly say there is some chemistry starting to develop, although at this point I think he feels more for me than I do for him.  Still, that's not to say that more can't and won't develop.  We've been texting back and forth quite a bit and we've already agreed on another movie date, this time with dinner as well.  The actual day and time is still to be determined, but we're going to see "Zero Dark Thirty," which is not your typical date movie but is one that interests us both.

So now we have arrived at this evening's romantic comedy moment.  It started with a wink from a 41 year old divorcee.  I winked back, he emailed: "want to chat sometime?"  He was still online and I was at a good stopping point with the project I was working on, so I instant messaged him.  It's another J!!  What is that, J5?  J6?  How about we call him AJ, the A standing for Army, because he's active duty.  While we were IMing, M was texting, and during my text conversation with M, J3 was referred to in a sort of oblique way.

Woah, alphabet soup.  Let's recap the current players.

J3 -- the 28 year old boy toy.  Being used for sex and pretty much nothing else.  But, he's really cute and really good in bed.  Sounds like a win-win for now.

M -- the 44 (45?) year old divorced single dad who works with homeless veterans.  We've been on two dates and are developing a good friendship, with a third date planned.

AJ -- the newest entry, a 41 year old divorcee who is active duty Army.  We've exchanged numbers and he's said he'll call "later this week."  We've talked about going to the Atkins Art Museum and/or going to shoot pool.  Another one looking for friends first, which is fine with me.  (He also didn't like "Lincoln.")

D -- yep, remember him?  The make-a-date-disappear-aunt-died-forgot-phone-in-KC-calls-me-princess financial planner?  He keeps popping up, almost like a bad penny.  I finally called him out on whether or not we're ever going to meet, and I suddenly got a litany of semi-plausible excuses.  As of Thursday, it was "maybe sometime next week."  I told him that ball was in his court, and my social calendar was first come, first served.  No matter what he thinks of himself and "how good [he] treats women," men who drag their heels get left in the dust.  My Match inbox isn't the busiest thing in cyberspace, but it's active enough.

So, sports fans, that is where I am right now.  We aren't even a full week into the new year, and already I've gotten thoroughly laid, been on a date with another man, and have a third interesting entry.  So far, 2013 looks like it's off to a superb start!


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