The Letter J

Happy Thanksgiving, my friends!  I know, I know, it has been a long time since I've blogged, and some of you have let me know about it.  The past couple of weeks I've started a few drafts, but there hasn't been much interesting to report.  The last 24-36 hours have changed that, though!

When we last chatted, I had two gentlemen that I was communicating with.  We have #13, D, and #14, J.  D is the financial planner of Mediterranean descent.  We had shifted from Match to texting, and we were texting daily.  Pretty much every morning like clockwork I'd get some sort of "Good Morning" text from him -- usually with the moniker of "Sunshine" -- and we might exchange a text or two during the day and if we didn't have a conversation, we at least said "good night" when the day drew to a close.

You've probably noticed the usage of past tense in that paragraph.  Well, until 24 hours ago, he would've been past tense.

See, the texting just kind of stopped.  It slowed down, and then I came down with the respiratory flu and overall it just... stopped.  While part of me liked the attention, part of me though it a little creepy that he would send me "kiss" emoticons.  We've never met!  And he never put meeting out onto the table, never asked or even really hinted around, trying to determine my interest level in meeting.

But yesterday morning, I heard from him again.  "You never text me anymore..."  So, we had a conversation in the midst of my popping in and out of my classroom, and back to our "good night" evening text exchange.  We'll see if anything develops of this, although I'm not necessarily all that interested.

So now an update on #14, J.  This is the Baptist college degree holder, licensed minister, small business owner.  We've exchanged dozens of emails in spite of my initial "I don't think we're all that good of a match" statement.  The conversations have been fine, although sometimes he gets a little too "JEEEEEEE-SUS" for me, if you know what I mean.  He seems to be much more into me than I am into him.  After a lot of passive hinting -- in his words, "ascertaining [my] interest," he just yesterday gave me his number and a "no pressure" invitation to catch a movie sometime this weekend.

Now I understand not wanting to risk too much in dating, but sometimes you just need to grow a pair.  We've been emailing for 3 weeks.  I was ready to say, "C'mon now, sh!t or get off the pot."  We'll see if this weekend movie actually happens -- and honestly this would be me holding out.  It's been a crazy couple of weeks and in spite of the holiday I don't get a lot of downtime.  At least, that's my excuse, because if I was actually, truly interested, I'd be all excited about it and be making time for it.

So along with these two, there've been a few winks -- unreciprocated -- a couple of other emails that have gotten or will get a "no thank you," and one who... well... okay, another paragraph.

He winked at me.  I checked out his profile and was immediately interested.  So, I didn't reply to the wink, I emailed him instead.  Silence.  Crickets.  I figured, "such is life on Match!"  Then, he "liked" one of my pictures, which led me to wonder if he was not a paying member and that was why I hadn't heard back.  So I just let that go for a bit.  Then, he showed up in my daily matches, so I winked at him.  *crickets*  Then, I get the notification that he'd "favorited" me.

All in all, weird.  But there may be a good reason for it.

Anyhoo... I titled this blog "The Letter J" for a reason.  And while it may have taken me 1000 characters to get to it, here is the reason.

There are three bachelors with the initial J.  First we had #12, J -- who now we'll have to call J1 -- who was the extremely recent divorcee that I had to friendzone.  I still hear from him, about once a week or maybe a little less frequent.  Yeah.  An email, generally, which is understandable because I did extend the offer of friendship and advice in dating.  This morning, I got a long text message from him -- all friendly, Happy Thanksgiving stuff, along with how glad he was to have met me and to have my friendship...  yep, 'tis a difficult line to walk.  He needs to really move on, and if he's still thinking of me that much, he probably isn't.  Sigh.

Then there's #14, J -- now, J2 -- the aforementioned minister/small business owner.  Nothing else needs to be said here.

And now we have #15, J3.  This gentleman IMed me last night on Match, a completely blind IM.  By that, I mean we'd never winked or emailed, and he hadn't shown up in my matches.  See, he hadn't shown up in my matches because he's well outside my age search parameters.  Usually, I get the older ones, the ones in their 50s.  This one is 28.

Just call me Demi.  Or, the cougar of your choice.

We chatted on IM for an hour and a half and agreed to email a few times before meeting.  He actually wanted to exchange phone numbers -- even before we'd exchanged names -- but he was really understanding that I preferred to exchange a few more emails.  Age is just a number, and he's intelligent and articulate.  And, unlike the other gentlemen in this blog post, is already talking about meeting.  He and I are on the same page when it comes to that; chatting is good and necessary, but you won't really know if there is chemistry until you meet.

Oh, and he's cute.  Well, in my opinion, and when it comes to appearances, I'd rank him at the top of the list of the gentlemen currently in active consideration.  By far.

So today we stop and give thanks.  Today also marks my 6 month mark, complete with my membership being renewed.  We know what the last 6 months brought... what do the next 6 months have in store?  Will Santa or the New Year bring me a relationship?

Stay tuned, my friends.  And enjoy your Thanksgiving meals!!


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