Drunk Texts

Once again, I've been handed a situation I really don't quite know how to handle.

Yesterday afternoon, I went to hear several of my friends in a concert. After the concert, I was invited and encouraged to join them for drinks and dinner, and of course I accepted. The table I was at had friends from Texas, Arizona, Pennsylvania, and New Hampshire -- how often are all of us in the same room? I had been texting with D and told him that when I got home I would call.

He suggested he should come over to my place. Currently, my place looks like a platoon of 3 year olds tried to cook in the kitchen, and then continued their revelry by strewing laundry up and down the hall before harassing the cats into shedding everywhere and in general making a huge mess. Yeah, no. He's not coming over until I've cleaned. So I ended up at his place instead, quality time together neither of us had planned for.

"The kids" were home, so D and I were sitting in the sun room area talking and enjoying each other's company. Occasionally his son would pop his head in to ask a question, such as, "were we hungry?" D and I found it funny, because we felt like teenagers trying to hang out with our significant other while Mom and Dad were in the house. It was a very enjoyable 4 hours.

But that's not why I'm blogging.

Because of using my GPS, being on Facebook, texting, etc., my phone battery was really, really low when I got to D's house. Not expecting anyone to need to get a hold of me, I went ahead and shut my phone completely off. When I did finally get home, plugged in the phone, and turned it on, it took a while for my phone to download a couple of texts that had been sent while the phone was off.

Both were from Bachelor #2.

Earlier in the day, he'd sent the "muah" text. I'd responded with "Good morning to you, too." I thought that was the end. Ha. Even though he said as much, it was clear he was drunk when he sent the texts. The first said "sukit lol." Not entirely sure what that was supposed to mean... suck it, maybe? The second one said he'd had too much wine, was taking a cab home, and wished I was there to spoon.

Whoa. Wait. Just... wait. And while I'm at it, WTF?

First of all, we had agreed there wasn't a romantic spark. In fact, he was the first to say that. Secondly, when we were actually dating, the physical contact was some flirty touching, hugs, and one kiss. One kiss. Not one make out session. Not one kiss that was really 12 kisses but we just didn't come up for air. It was one gentle kiss, period.

So obviously the next step is spooning. Uh...

I'm undecided as to what to do about it. D and I are already having the relationship foundation talks, making sure the other is aware of this or that as we're "entering into a relationship with someone new." But, we aren't official or anything like that. We're in no hurry, no rush. I've decided, when it comes to the drunk text, I can do one of two things:

1. I can ignore it.
2. I can reply saying something like I hope he wasn't too hungover, and that I should let him know that I was seeing someone.

I really don't know what I'm going to do. Right now, my inclination is #1, and only going into the "I'm seeing someone/I'm in a relationship" stuff if he presses the matter. After all, what if he had texted me on accident, intending to text someone else? What if he didn't?

I'm not going to obsess about it, though. I have other things to think about, like tonight's official second date with D (which is now Mexican and Robin Williams, instead of pizza) and how much damage I may or may not have done to his front yard trying to back down his treacherous and very dark driveway. The driveway that is also up a small mountain. The driveway that from now on, I will be walking up unless I'm in his car.

But that's a whole 'nother story.


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