So This Just Happened...

Late last night I first put this post up. It was a knee-jerk reaction, in many ways. I have frequently said this blog is therapeutic for me and posting was my reactionary way to process. But, I did it from my phone, which limits my editing and clarity and so on and so forth. Besides, I have also now had a night to sleep on it.

It had been a lovely evening. I had consumed my teacher appreciation 2-for-1 Chipotle burrito and posted on here about dumping the kid and the facepalm worthy Match email. I was ready to catch up on my phone games like Words With Friends and call it a fairly early night. After all, I had gotten into my classroom an hour and a half early just so I could do all the stuff I needed to over the weekend but couldn't because I'd left some important elements on my desk. In other words, it had been an early morning and a very long day.

No sooner had I hit "publish" when my text tone sounded. Literally, it happened less than a minute after I had posted. Since I have my phone set to only show name or number when a text comes through, when I saw it was a somewhat familiar number but with no name associated I assumed it was a colleague at the gym looking for a sub. Ha.

The text itself was innocuous. "Hey, what's up?" It was the text above it - my  reply to this person over a year ago - that made me say, "Oooohhh boy."

Let us back up over a year. I don't remember what he officially went by on this blog, but in the past few days he's been on my mind again. Why? Because he's the guy that made me a cougar. He was one of the J's, back when I called bachelors by their initial and had a string of 3 or 4 J's. We went on a few dates and ultimately decided we didn't want a relationship but we did want to be an entry in each other's little black books. I last heard from him just as I was starting to date The Ex, and The Ex named him "Gerber" because of his youthful age.

I have to laugh at a certain... irony, I suppose. When I was dating The Ex, I made a point to delete all my Match contacts. Shortly after he dumped me, I had to do a wipe and restore on my phone, and it restored all those deleted contacts. All those guys whose numbers I had made a point to delete from my life were suddenly back without my asking. Then the last time I had to do the wipe and restore to update my software, it once again deleted those contacts even though there had been multiple back-ups. (Interestingly, it was only those contacts that were re-deleted.) As I returned to Match and wanted to remember names of guys who'd I'd dated or at least texted, I no longer had that information.

So J/Gerber texts and we end up texting back and forth for the better part of an hour and a half or so. A little catching up, a little reminiscing, the occasional adult comment, pretty much just like old times. Things then took an unexpected turn.

J/G: "By the way I have a surprise."
Me: "Um... okay... what?"
J/G: "I'm right outside."

It is almost 11:00 at night when I get this message. And yes, he was standing outside my front door.

No, that's not awkward. Not at all.

So he came in for a little bit and we spent some time catching up. He'd seen my profile on Match and made the (correct) assumption I was single, which was the main reason he had texted. Seeing my profile had brought back "good memories" and he decided to reach out. He showed up at my place because he was out driving around trying to make himself sleepy.

It was just a short visit, mostly talking and catching each other up on life changes. Mostly. Not to be crass, but when they are eager, have had a bit of a dry spell, and are already ready to go, things don't take long.

At least this one isn't a tar baby. When I say "go away," he does, and he doesn't make a fuss about it. Thank heavens for the small things like that!


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