
Yesterday with Bachelor #4 was normal, typical even, if there is such a thing at this point in getting to know someone. Texts messages went back and forth during the day, nothing terribly exciting or crazy, certainly not like Bachelor #3 who was pretty much sitting around waiting for me to text him. I knew he was busy in the evening, but as I was leaving work after rehearsal I sent a "hope the rest of your day was great" kind of message. Nothing that demanded a reply, feeling pretty sure I'd get one.

I didn't.

This morning, still nothing on my phone. I went in to play for school Mass; nothing. This wasn't like him, and odd scenarios started running through my head. You all know how I am! Then at 11:15, just as I was about to walk out the door to work, I got a text from him. A long text.

It was a sweet, chatty message that he had typed up late last night and, in his exhaustion, forgot to send. He said he was just picking up his phone to see how my day was going when he saw the message sitting there, unsent. So he added an addendum and sent it, following it with a "how's your day going" text. We sent a few texts back and forth and as I lightly put on Facebook, he "sent me flowers" via an emoji. In addition to just wanting to talk to me, it turned out he was home sick and looking for a distraction. Was I available to call him? I was, in a couple hours.

True to my word, I called. We talked. And talked. And talked. For an hour and 45 minutes. One of the topics of conversation, though, was what he had done last night and why he didn't get in until almost midnight.

He was at a "Stir Event." Match does these things where they'll invite a certain number of Match members who plunk down $5 or whatever to go to a specific location and do something while mingling with other Match members. I've never done one; being an introvert that's not really my cup of tea. I don't exactly remember what this event was; sometimes they are things like painting or cooking classes, sometimes they are simply a happy hour. I half-jokingly asked him if he met anyone.

My heart sank a little when he said yes.

He went on and told me about her. They had both lived in Germany at the same time and had a couple other things in common. She was "fairly attractive," and they were going to follow up their conversation over coffee. Then he said the sentence that changed the whole conversation.

"And then I'm letting that one go."

I don't quite remember how I asked "why," although I do know I did the teasing "gotta know who my competition is" line at some point. His reply to that, which was somewhat awkwardly stammered out, was that he liked me better. A lot better. I was definitely his preference.

To say that made me grin like a loon might be an understatement.

Even after an almost 2 hour phone conversation, we still texted back and forth the rest of the evening. I dare say this is a good sign, that we can talk for so much and not tire of each other. Granted, early on when you meet someone you find interesting that tends to happen. But, it is very rare that, at least for me, it happens with a Match guy. The important thing is that we're establishing a connection based on things other than, well, someone looking for a hookup.

We're both looking forward to our first date tomorrow, even though because of all the communication so far it feels like it's something else. I feel like we already know each other so well that this first date is almost anti-climatic, if that makes any sense. At the same time, a little tiny part of me is fearful. What if there's no in-person spark? Right now, I'm thinking that is unlikely, but weirder things have been known to happen. So, I'm taking to heart a meme a friend posted on Facebook. It basically said that we need to stop worrying about what might go wrong and accept that we deserve things that go well.

T minus 30 hours and counting until we officially meet. But the good news is, this time I know what I'm going to wear!


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