Is It Over Already?

Ever since we connected, Bachelor #4, D, and I have had amazing communication. We've had phone calls that have lasted for hours. Our first date went 6 hours - a very, very easy and comfortable 6 hours. Our second "official" date was last night, another easy 6 hours, but in between, on Monday, we also got together and just hung out and enjoyed each other's company for about 4 hours. When not around each other, we're texting, thinking of each other. Poems and terms of endearment and sweet messages are flying back and forth.

But last night, things changed. We had a serious adult conversation. Now, it isn't that our other conversations have been flippant or fluffy, but this was a deep one. One that was not easy, because it was us stepping back from the rose-colored glasses and trying to determine what our future should really look like. Was it a future together, or not?

Some of you may be thinking it's much too early for that conversation. We've only known each other just over a week! There's only been really 3 dates! How could we possibly be ready to have such a serious conversation?

Let's face it. You know when there is a spark and when there isn't. You know when attraction may grow and when it won't. When closet skeletons have not only been exposed but examined, you have a good idea of what you can and cannot deal with.  We knew.

The conversation went something like this:

D: "We, right?"
Me: "We?"
D: "We are We. No one else, not looking, not replying, just us. Right?"
Me: "Yes."

And of course it continued but I am certainly not going to kiss and tell. The long and the short is that I have deactivated my Match profile. He intends to do the same, once he figures out how. (Hey, Match doesn't make it easy. They want your money!) We've both fallen, and we admit that. I don't fall easily, and he knows that. He's leery of hurting someone again, and of course being hurt himself. But as we agreed, part of being human is being willing to take those risks again, to be vulnerable to another person, when you've found one you trust.

We have.

So sorry to say, my regular readers, that it looks like this blog will go quiet for a while. You'll have to get your drama fix somewhere else.


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