Weird Good or Weird Bad?

It has certainly been quite the ride since I've returned to Match. In less than a month, I've garnered more attention than probably ever before. My inbox has almost 60 emails in it from probably 35-40 different guys, my "winks received" equally number that. So last night, as I was enjoying a glass of wine on my balcony, I realized it was the first night since returning to Match that I wasn't all agog over a boy, and it felt weird.

I expressed that to my good friend, my yenta in MN, who said, "Weird good or weird bad?" My answer: both?

See, for me it was weird good because it's been three weeks of drama. Three weeks of answering emails, responding to text messages, waiting for replies. Meeting someone new and wondering if the two of you will be any sort of match can be really stressful. A lovely evening on the balcony with a take-and-bake pizza and some wine without that stress was just what the doctor ordered.

At the same time, it was weird bad because, for the first time in over three weeks, I felt lonely. I wasn't the potential object of desire for anyone. Now I don't desire to be the center of attention for anyone, and after #3 and his super-early imitation of Cling Wrap, I am that much more aware of it. However, there is something ego-boosting and comforting when you are desired by someone, even if that desire is simply them wanting to get to know you better.

But there's still drama. Oh, don't you worry. There's still plenty of drama, and my snark is in full gear today.

Match is fond of sending you matches saying, "because you interacted with ________, we think you'd like ________." I really wish I could tell Match, "yes, I interacted with person A. And he was a dipshit douchebag. So, I'm pretty skeptical of person B, but thanks for playing!" I'd also like to be able to tell Match, "yes, interacted with this person before. It wasn't a match then and it isn't a match now."

Case in point: this morning I received an email from a screen name I recognized from my first go-around. Remember when I said that returning to Match felt quite a bit like returning to an old, favorite, seedy dive bar? I've got to hand it to this guy, the email was funny. Humor goes a long way in impressing me, and his profile is equally humorous if not a bit lengthy. But maybe I'm shallow, but the lack of pictures of him is enough to make me say, "meh." He has 26 pictures up. 25 are of his work; he is a photographic artist. The one pic of him is mediocre at best, bless his heart.

Oh, but wait. Let me tell you about a profile I was sent today. It was so astounding I literally looked at it with my mouth agape.

And not in a good way.

The guy's main profile picture was of him brandishing an assault rifle. He was not in any sort of military uniform, police uniform, hunting camo, anything like that. Dress shirt, khakis, and an AK-47.

I have my opinions on guns. The liberal teacher here, who regularly goes through intruder drills at school, has her opinions on guns. I'm not looking to take anyone's guns away, but I also do not see any reasonable need for the average citizen, who is not active military or police, to own an assault rifle. What are you going to do with it, mow down Bambi like Rambo? If you need an assault rifle to protect your family, then I think you need to spend less money on guns and more time at the range becoming a better shot with something more practical and portable.

Obviously, I was not impressed with this gentleman. The rest of the profile was equally amazing.

Hey, I'm glad there are people who know what they want. Expressing that without sounding like a jerk is an art form, though. It was clear his religious beliefs permeated everything, and I'm cool with that. I understand many Christians are opposed to tattoos and piercings - my father is one. I know well that there are certain denominations that are opposed to caffeine, alcohol, and other chemicals that we as humans often ingest. To say you will ONLY return interest in people who are an explicit body type because you can only lift so much, ladies who are free from tattoos and piercings, who don't drink or smoke, who this and that and this and that...

Different strokes for different folks. There are women out there who would like that. I'm just not one of them!

And a quick update on Bachelor #2. Remember, we had been texting about a friend date, a walk in the park this weekend? He has yet to reply setting up a time and location. Whatever. That afternoon is still open, and if he texts I'll probably end up going with him. If he doesn't, no skin off my back. And if I get a better offer, I'm taking it.

Not that a better offer is likely to roll around at this point, but crazier things have been known to happen!


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