And the Horse You Rode in On

I'm supposed to be on a date right now.  That's right, I'm supposed to be "wining and dining" with a 35 year old financial planner of Greek descent, one who was recently promoted at work and drives a BMW.

Instead, I'm sitting on my couch with a large white cat next to me, blogging to the sounds of my washer and dryer and digesting the dinner I just made.

A week and a half ago, the Wednesday prior to Thanksgiving to be exact, we set up this date.  After sending back and forth dozens of text messages, he said, "I need to see you soon."  We compared schedules and set aside tonight for a date.  I asked him what we would do, and he said, "Wining and dining :-)."  Since then, we texted daily... until 3 days ago.

Wednesday morning, I got my usual good morning text from him, to which I replied.  On my lunch break, I texted him saying, "Have you decided where we're going on Saturday?" to which I got no reply.  Thursday I sent another message saying, "Are we still on for Saturday?"  Again, silence.  Yesterday in the late afternoon I sent one final message: "Hey babe, I'm sure you've been busy, but I'm beginning to think I need to make alternate plans for tomorrow night."  I never heard from him.

All day today I was debating what my response would be should he pull a "last minute" date plan.  Would I say it wasn't enough notice (I had a gig this afternoon, which he knew about), or would I go ahead and go on the date knowing he leaves on Monday for a two week business trip?  All in all, it was a discussion that was unnecessary because he never texted or called.

I'm done with him.  If he texts me, unless it is extremely apologetic, he'll be informed that he must have balls the size of grapefruit to text me, a woman with an Irish temper who teaches kickboxing, after the stunt he pulled.  In all honesty, I'm not mad at him, though.  I had mixed feelings about this date and how I felt about him, and I was willing to go on at least one date.  After all, that's sort of my mantra: it's only coffee or dinner or whatever, and I could always be surprised.  But the only way he could have screwed the pooch any worse would be to have actually stood me up.

Meanwhile, I have tomorrow night's dinner and a movie at my house to look forward to.  I'm still really intrigued and at the same time perplexed by this one.  He was so eager at the beginning to chat, to meet, and to ask for the second date.  Since then, the communication has been much quieter.  Then again, I'm probably reading way too much into it.  This evening I did a test run of part of tomorrow night's dinner -- I haven't made stuffed shells in forever so I figured I was better off doing a test tonight and if they didn't turn out go with plan B -- and I feel confident that at the very least he'll get a decent meal.

And today I got another wink, one that made me roll my eyes.  It's the third time he's winked at me.  Third time.  He was an early entrant 6 months ago, where we both winked and that's where it ended until he sent me an email about 6 weeks later, the entirety of which was "your cute."  Since then he's winked twice but that's it.  Last time I returned the wink.  This time, I'm not so sure.  To me, he's obviously missing something upstairs if he can't seem to remember he's winked at me multiple times.

Such is life on Match.  Tonight I found out that a friend of mine who is getting married in March met her fiancee on Match, so I have hope.  And there's always J2...


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