The Hung Jury

It is always auspicious when one of the first things your date says to you is, "Thank you for looking like your pictures on Match."

It turns out that the last time he was on Match -- more on that in a moment -- he met several people who were just not like their profiles.  The joys of internet dating!  I told him I was one of those silly people who still believed in honesty, especially in something like this, where you are ultimately going to meet face-to-face.  Comparing silly Match profiles was a good ice breaker on what was a date that has left me at a loss for accurate adjectives.

It wasn't sensational, OMGthiswasthebestdateEVER.  It wasn't horrible, OMGgetmethehelloutofhereNOW. It was two hours of good conversation, a lot of laughs, a lot of similar opinions and good discussion.  We found common ground in politics (always a good sign) and the surprising fact that we were both PK's -- pastor's kids -- from conservative backgrounds, no less.  It was a comfortable, enjoyable afternoon, but not one that's left me with butterflies.

These things can take time, though, and I know that.  He's made it clear that he wants to see me again, and even better, that he's interested in being friends first.  We've both been on Match dates where the other person turned into Saran Wrap practically overnight, and we don't want that.  I suppose my verdict at the moment is, "we'll see how the next date goes," which will probably be catching a movie and maybe a meal.

A little more about M.  Previously I expressed a concern that I might be dealing with another "recently divorced" situation.  Turns out he's been divorced for 11 years.  He was on Match for a while and left the site because he just got tired of all the fake profiles, meeting people who were nothing like what they seemed to be online or via email.  He went back onto Match at the urging of his 14 year old daughter, which also answers my unasked question about how his daughter (he has sole custody) feels about her dad dating.  He's a runner who has completed several marathons and is now looking to do a 50k, but he's not a fanatic about it, which sounds almost like an oxymoron.  M is a social worker by training, having spent a lot of his career working with the mentally ill, including the criminally insane.  He now works for a local charitable organization, heading up a program that identifies and helps homeless veterans.  In a weird twist of ... irony? ... we both work for the greater Catholic Church, and neither of us are Catholic, nor do we by and large prescribe to many of the Catholic teachings.  But hey, God raised up a heathen king to do His will in the Old Testament, so certainly He can use a couple of liberal protestants within the Catholic Church.

And while I've been typing this blog post, he's texted to set up our next meeting.  We've ambiguously left it for Thursday or Friday.  I can say I enjoyed spending time with him, but I'm not feeling the sexual chemistry at this point.  Perhaps it is where I am in my hormonal cycle; it is hard to be thinking of sex when one's uterus is violently trying to expel itself from one's body, almost angrily, because it decided to withhold the monthly cycle for 18 days past its scheduled start time.  (Sorry if that's TMI, but if I can talk about sex I can talk about that, too.)  We shall see what, if anything, develops.

Meanwhile, there's another entry, one that has me thinking I need to reevaluate how I identify the bachelors on this blog.  Using first initials was handy until I started getting repeats.  J, J2, J3, the very brief J4... and you guessed it, this newest entry is also a J.  (What made J2 & J3 particularly difficult was that they had basically the same name; one just went by the shorter version of it... like Steven vs. Steve.)  This was a profile I saw yesterday and marked as a "maybe."  He in turn "favorited" me, and sent a wink.  I winked back.  So, he emailed.  I'll respond in the positive, because it never hurts to keep one's options open!  For the time being, he'll be #19, J5.

And just to keep us all up-to-date on the others... J2 continues to be silent.  I think that one has finally left.  D has also been quiet since my birthday, but he has a way of popping up when I least expect it.  And T has not replied to my last email; that's another connection that I, in this case, sadly, think is over.

Ever forward, though!


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