No More Excuses (and a True WTF Moment)

I've been saying I'm going to do it. I've been saying it for months. Then I've followed it up with one excuse after another. "I'm too busy right now; I have all these performances and I just don't have time..." "Not sure I can really afford the membership fee right now..." "Well, my friend says she knows this guy..." Blah, blah, blah.

Enough. This morning I went back on Match. I rewrote my profile summary. I dumped almost every photo and uploaded new ones. I checked my options and my back account balance, and hit "subscribe." I'm back, sports fans! Spring is here, the grass is green, the trees... haven't quite budded out but judging by my allergies they aren't far behind, and the future looks bright.

But what about the ex? Who was recently in contact?

Ah, the WTF moment.

He texted last night. "Sorry I haven't been in touch." Mentally, my reply was *shrug*. Turns out he's in a new relationship.

Am I surprised? No. The man goes in and out of "relationships" as frequently as many people change their underwear. Yes, it was only a month ago he was coming after me hard for sex. But if we remember back, he and I went from texting for less than a week to "in a relationship" on our first date. He seems happy, good for him.

He then went on to tell me that "they'd" probably be at my concerts this weekend.

Okay... so here are my thoughts on that, which all fall under the headline of "What An Asshole."

1. I suppose he probably thought a warning would be nice. Um, okay. After he told me he'd lost his job and would be on the "down low," I've only reached out to him once. I invited him to a concert. As friends. I ended up going to that concert with another friend. I haven't been after him for sex or anything else. So my ex-boyfriend from a year ago shows up with a new girlfriend. Kind of expected. I guess I'm glad he told me, but at the same time, why?! I'd been perfectly happy NOT hearing from him!

2. What does his current girlfriend think? Does she even know? Does she know that they're going to a concert and his ex-girlfriend, who just a few weeks ago he was soliciting for sex, will be singing? In some ways, I wouldn't put it past him to do that to her. When we were dating, he often told me about the "hot chicks" he'd previously dated and/or slept with, like he needed to prove that either he was capable of attracting "hot women," or that he wanted me to know I was in some sort of club. Whatever.

I am so much better off without him. So much. SO. MUCH!

Meanwhile, other local prospects haven't been all that forthcoming. So that brings us back to the decision I made last night and put into action this morning. My Match membership is fully activated, pending approval of my profile and pictures. Let the crazy profiles and ridiculous dates begin!


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