When in Doubt, Update!

So this may be the beginning of a slew of posts about Bachelor #2. Or, it may not. For the life of me, I'm certainly interested. Very interested. And he seems to also be interested.

I think.

The emailing went to texting. Lots of texting. And the texting was good. Comfortable banter, some flirting. I haven't had this great of a text exchange with a potential date since, well, the ex. We teased and found out we're both competitive. He's challenged me to a game of Scrabble over a bottle of wine. Well, at least via text message.

The thing about texting and emailing is that you don't necessarily have to back up what you say with actions. You can banter and flirt and it can mean nothing. Or, it can mean everything. Figuring out the difference is what is tricky. I've spent pleasant evenings on Match chat with nice guys who gave me their number and then went "poof!"

The only reason I'm all het up about this is how the conversation ended. More than once in emails he's slipped out of any sort of commitment, for lack of a better word. So tonight when he had to sign off to go to bed - he has to be up at 3:00 for "work stuff," yuck - I ended a text with "ttyl...?" The response I got to that was that he hoped tomorrow brought me good tidings.

Um, okay. Then again, his first email this morning was that he wanted to wish me a good week. We all have our quirks.

So I likewise shared his sentiment - he'd also said he'd "really enjoyed this, ty" (meaning our conversation and banter). I told him, "don't be a stranger. :) pleasant dreams and all that." End of conversation. It just left me with an odd feeling in my gut, but my gut has led me astray before, that's for sure. Do I want to hear from him again? Absolutely. No hesitation, no doubt. Much of our conversation had me grinning like a loon, and even now, even with the odd ending, I'm still that way.

Will I hear from him? Only time will tell. This is a man who emailed then disappeared for a week. So we shall see. Meanwhile, there are plenty of other gentlemen on Match...


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