Tall and Mysterious

I can be a world-class texter. If you text me, chances are quite good you will get a reply within a few minutes. The exception to that is if I am actually away from my phone. That's a rare occurrence, indeed, but does happen during things like concert and rehearsals. The speedy reply is good for business dealings. The speedy reply is not necessarily good when you are just having a conversation with someone and they don't have the same tempo of rapid reply that you do.

Things come up during text conversations. Phone calls come in. Dinner has to be made and requires your attention. Or if it's during work hours, work things. We can't, nor should we, be attached to our phones all the time. This is something I admit I struggle with, though.

Hashtag: phoneaddiction. Hashtag: iPhone. Hashtag: icantputitdown. Hashtag: ... you get the point.

In my last post, I wrote about a day of communicating with Bachelor #2. The flurry of emails became sassy and bantering text messages, that ended somewhat oddly. I mused whether or not I'd hear from him again. Would he be one, like others before him, where a day of great communication would lead to silence?

As Monday became Tuesday, I promised myself I would not text him. Nope. Not gonna do it. He should be the first to reach out. I had sent the last text the night before, so it was his turn.

If you're a regular reader of this blog, you should know how well I do at those self-challenges. And you're probably laughing to yourself right now. I have been able to be successful at them. Sometimes.

Yesterday was not one of those times.

I made it to noon, my lunch break. I sent a short text just saying I hoped he was having a good day. That's it. No questions, no banter, nothing that demanded a reply. Just a quick "thinking of you" kind of text that, should he not be interested, he could ignore.

Four hours later, I got a reply. "Hey." While not the most articulate of text messages, I've been out on the crazy dating scene long enough to know what this text actually means. Generally it means, "I would like to have a text conversation with you, but I don't know if you are available and/or I'm feeling a little insecure about your interest level." The master of this text was the kid - remember him?

We texted back and forth for most of the evening. I had to work, teaching a yoga class and then a lengthy rehearsal, but replied when I could. Some of the texts were kind of deep and serious. Others, more playful, although we did not have the banter of the night before. I think that's a good thing.

Teasing, banter, sass between two people who are flirting is indicative of a surface-level interest. It's the kind of conversation you might have in a bar or other social setting. When the conversation turns more serious, then you are starting to get into the "I want to get to know you" territory. We weren't discussing the meaning of life or philosophy or controversial social justice issues. It was questions from him like, "What would you say is the first thing people notice about you physically and mentally?" Asking that question but limiting it to physically is a "we're about to meet and do you really look like your pictures" kind of question. Including mentally takes it to a whole new level.

So as of a 7:50 this morning text message, we're meeting sometime this afternoon. I may need to light a fire under him to get back to me with some firmer plans because I'm supposed to meet up with a friend and his fiancee for drinks, and I will reschedule that if needed so I can go on this date.

Hey, a girl has to have her priorities.

At least I already know what shoes to wear!


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