The "Hot Chick" Said Yes

The past 24 hours, give or take, have been quite the whirlwind. Out of respect for the dozens of victims of the recent tornadoes in the south, I'm not going to use that kind of imagery, but you get the point.

Let us give a nice, warm blog welcome to Bachelor #3! As of the last posting, Bachelor #3 and I were emailing after he popped up a chat window with me. The last email I had sent prior to blogging said I worked for a church, a phrase that seemed to make his disappear the first time around. I really didn't know if I would get a reply.

Silly rabbit.

I got a reply. And the emails kept flying, back and forth, back and forth. He then asked if I would like to go to texting. Why yes, yes I would, except I didn't know his name. That was easily fixed, and the texts started.

Before I go any further, here's the basic info on him. He's 35, so a few years younger than me, never married and no kids. He's quite cute, a bit on the baby-faced side, 5'11" and manages a grocery store. Quite intelligent, with excellent spelling and grammar. (Yes, that makes me happy. I am that kind of nerd!) He's an excellent communicator - so far - with a great sense of humor, and so far we seem to have a lot in common, but not too much.

There really seems to be a spark. Going both ways. I know in no uncertain terms that there is for him!

The texting led to a request for a date, to which I said yes. That is what brought on today's title; he replied a little later in the conversation that it was "always a good thing when the hot chick says yes," and he meant no disrespect or anything by it.

So on Friday, we are going out to dinner and whatever else may fancy us. He's taking me to a local institution, and specifically picked the location we'll be going to because of its ambiance for a date. We're both excited about this, and wish our (okay, my) schedules allowed us to meet sooner.

But as I said in my previous post, sometimes I overlook red flags a little too much early on, so I'm just going to disclose a couple of things now and maybe I'll never have to revisit them on the blog. Or, maybe I can say, "see, I knew it was coming!"

I don't fall for guys that quickly, usually. He seems quite smitten, which has me a little concerned, but only a little. I was upfront with him that I was getting worried he'd be disappointed when he finally met me, that what he'd built up about me in his mind based on my profile and our conversations would be different than what he would meet. His responses to that were mature, thoughtful, and good, so I'm guardedly optimistic.

Also, around the beginning of the texting part, things took a swing into super-flirty country. Fun, but before a first date had me thinking I'd been marked as an easy hookup. So I finally told him that, that I'm not a hookup kind of girl. Either he has a great line of bullshit, or he was being honest, but the conversation that followed has me relieved that he isn't looking for just one date.

We texted and texted. It was great. Really, it was great. Then... drama.

Crazy drama.

In addition to texting with B #3, I was texting with my yenta in MN, not because I was needing guidance on my end, but because she had just had a great, great guy end things with her. Via text message. Yeah, I've totally been there. But amidst the dual conversation, up pops a third text.

Guess who it was from? If you guessed Bachelor #2, who on Sunday sent me the "I don't feel a spark" text, give yourself 10 points! 20 bonus points if you guessed he was basically asking me out on another date.

What. The. Fu.....?!?!

Fortunately I could turn this one down because I was not available. Honestly and truly not available, and I could tell him why. "I've started seeing someone" seemed waaaaaay too premature, although I'm sure Bachelor #3 would have been just fine with me using that line.

I don't date multiple guys at the same time. I just can't. And if Bachelor #2 isn't interested, well... to be honest, I think I know where this is coming from. He may not feel a romantic spark, but he's a little bit of a lonely guy and he does seem to legitimately want to be friends. Asking me if I'd be interested in a walk in the park is a friends thing, primarily. Still, that doesn't make last night's random text any less awkward, but then again who'd have thought that within 24-36 hours I'd have moved on so far? Certainly not me!

So now I eagerly look forward to Friday, and a lot of texting and such until then.  Yay for this crazy thing we call dating!


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