Maybe I'm Just Old-Fashioned?

Okay, I have A LOT of updating to do regarding my first 4 days on Match. The winks, the emails (oy, the emails), the date that was supposed to be this evening but as of a text message at 9:23 this morning has been rescheduled for another time yet to be determined. And I will do the update here soon; those who are also on Facebook have gotten little teasers already. But, I'm at work and our internet is down so I'm doing this on my phone.

So why am I even blogging? Because of a truly awkward thing that happened last night with, you guessed it, the ex.

As stated in a previous post, he is "in a relationship" and had plans to attend one of my concerts this weekend. Well, he was at last night's concert, as I expected. I did not see him, nor did I go looking for him. I had sung another concert immediately prior, our concert was full of difficult and taxing music, and the air conditioning wasn't working. After the concert, I said good night to our conductor and left even though I had other friends in the audience. So how did I know he was there? Why, he texted me, of course!

At 12:15 a.m.

That wasn't the only awkward thing about it. I mean, someone texting their ex after midnight while in a relationship with someone else certainly isn't awkward. Not at all. It takes a real pro to push it to the next level.

I got three messages right in a row -- boom boom boom. The first one was simply a compliment on my solo. Okay, fine. The next two were:

"And - you looked FUCKING HOT!!!!"

Followed by:

"God damn, woman!!!!"

Now am I just being old-fashioned? He's supposedly in a relationship (unless that has already ended; he does have a history of going in and out of relationships more easily than some people change their underwear). I am somewhat shocked and perhaps even appalled that not only would he, someone with a giant chip on their shoulder about fidelity, would text an ex after midnight, an ex he recently was pursuing for sex, but that he would then say stuff like that to her. It is one thing to say, "really enjoyed the concert and you looked lovely" or something. But "fucking hot?" In all caps? With four exclamation points?

If I was the current girlfriend and got wind of that, I'd probably cease to be the "current girlfriend." And the police may want to talk to me after his disappearance came to their attention.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, my ex: keeping it classy.

Incidentally, tomorrow is the one year mark of when he dumped me. Ha!!


  1. Every response you give-(reaction, non-reaction, whatever) dictates his next move with you. It's worse than a chess game. He's calculating what he can get away with and how much you will allow him to disrespect you and all you are worth and deserve!
    As my good friends would tell me, I want to go to his house, ring his doorbell and punch him in the balls as soon as he opened it. Then run away saying, "You know why!" :)

    1. No, it's not that. He's just being an ass. His true colors are coming out, but he means no disrespect in his comments. What gets portrayed and reported on this blog, while always factual, can never tell the whole story because of those things that *haven't* been shared or can't be explained. If you had met him, you would understand. Mind you, I'm not defending him, but at the same time while his actions are being obnoxious he doesn't deserve any misrepresentation. And I am DISTINCTLY not encouraging anything.


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