And Then There Were Two (Updated)

Dating is just weird.

First up is A, or as he's more commonly known, Bachelor #5. Right now, A is away on a business trip. Since he is a sort of regional manager who works autonomously - mostly out of his home or wherever his laptop is when he is traveling, although he has an office in town - whenever he is at the corporate office his time is fully booked and consumed. That is where he is now, in his words, "running around with his hair on fire."  In spite of that, in spite of his meals also being turned into meetings and the like, he is texting me at every possible opportunity. He is also calling me every night, "even if only for a few minutes."

As my yenta says, somebody is apparently already smitten.

I'm not so sure how I feel right now. Maybe I need that in-person interaction to help me decide. Maybe I'm just jaded and leery after two back-to-back relationships with guys who became smitten prior to us meeting and then dumped me after two weeks of dating, after two weeks of extensive talk of a long future together. Maybe I just don't feel for him like he apparently does for me. I enjoy hearing from him and I'm looking forward to Friday night, but I'm not as gaga as he seems to be. Only time will tell, though. Attraction can grow, and there's at least some there to begin with.

He's not alone, though. Remember #6? Who I started calling 6a? He's baaaack.

To recap, he winked, I winked back then emailed. We exchanged a few emails, and then... silence. I never got a reply, although he was still logging into Match daily. I shrugged, said "whatever," and moved along. I was ready to reassign his bachelor number if/when someone else came along. But... for some reason, and I'm not sure why - maybe intuition, maybe nudging from the universe - I sent one more email.

All it said was, "Sorry if I came on too strong. Best of luck to you on Match!"

I had a reply not even 5 minutes later. It started with "No no no!" and went on to explain he was sorry if I thought he wasn't interested, he'd been very busy at work... and would I like to meet for coffee or a drink? He is "super interested" in me. And he included his phone number.

Interesting. From silence to date request in 0.3 seconds.

Of course I replied saying I would like to meet for a drink. Kicker? My only available evening this week is Wednesday, and then I'm out of town Saturday through Friday. Within 10 minutes, if that, I had a text message from him. Wednesday isn't going to work, but he really wants to meet. I suggested morning coffee on Saturday before I leave as an option, but I haven't heard back yet.

Side note: his iMessage came from an email address. After an extensive 15 second Google search, it turns out it has to do with Apple weirdness on his end. But, it does mean I am texting to his email. *eye roll*

So we shall see if this goes anywhere. He says he's not big into lots of emails and texts. Fine, then call me. Frankly, this guy is pretty hot, IMO, so I'm willing to put up with a lot more initial crap. Double standard? Probably, but I prefer to think of it as separating the wheat from the chaff.

#6 and I have exchanged more text messages even though he is not big into texting. We've set up a drink meeting date for late Thursday. How late? Like 8:45, after I teach back-to-back Zumba classes and grab a quick shower. Hey, he's eager to meet and I'm about to go out of town.

Two different guys, two different dates, both within 24 hours. Who am I?!?!


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