Music and Lunch

Just popping up on the blog to post a very quick update.

Lunch with #6 has been postponed until tomorrow. He texted last night saying he "was a dummy" and got his work schedule wrong. We actually had a text conversation arranging the new day and time, and it's fortunate for both of our schedules that I can be somewhat flexible with mine. So we're on for Wednesday instead of today.

I have finished the transcription that D (the ex) asked me to do. We've been in conversation quite a bit about it through the process, and today when I texted him to let him know I'd dropped it off at his house, a couple texts later he asked a loaded question: what did I think of the piece?

Professionalism versus sentimentality! The bell rings! The heart and brain both come out swinging! And both got to answer, because they realize they have no beef with each other.

A friend and devoted follower of this blog has speculated that perhaps all this with his composition is a "legitimate" way for him to be back in touch with me, in order to start to reestablish a friendship or whatever. I do think that is a possibility, but I'm not saying, "A ha! An answer!" nor am I going to expound upon that. If it is, I welcome it. If it is not, such is life. There will still be at least one more conversation to be had about the music, after he has had a chance to play through it and such. He did also mention - whether it was intentional or a Freudian slip - yesterday in a response to me saying I wasn't sure I got all the harmonies correct that he was "pretty sure we can get through it."

We? Unless he has a mouse in his pocket...

Here's the bottom line: I'm happy to be back in touch with him. I'm happy we have been able to joke some, and that we are treading lightly less and less around each other. Am I fancifully entertaining dreams of a romantic reconciliation? No. There is plenty I could speculate about the whole situation, and chances are a great deal of it would be correct. But in the end, we are who we are and we make our own decisions, regardless of the possible motivations of others.

Besides, I have to figure out what I'm wearing to lunch tomorrow.


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