Bachelor #5... and #6?

So on Sunday I reactivated my Match account, as well all know. I wasn't expecting much to happen. It was a holiday week, and it's prime vacation time. I was going to be out of town myself, and not sure how much time I'd have for going through matches and communicating and such. And, unlike the last time I reactivated, my first 24 hours were rather quiet.

At some point on Wednesday, I believe, I took the bull by the horns and emailed and winked at some gentlemen. Most had "liked" me or otherwise done something to indicate interest - but Match can be very weird about that, too. Ones I was really interested in were emailed, of course, and others that were more on the fence got winks.

Later that day, one of the guys I winked at emailed me. Cue the race announcer! "Aaaaaand.... they're off!" The emails started flying. I had downloaded the Match app and was using that rather than Match mobile. (A vast improvement, take my word for it.) 7 emails on Wednesday. 6 on Thursday, until I finally asked if he'd rather text. I'd been waiting for him to make that suggestion or ask for my number, but I went ahead and took the initiative.

Don't ask me how many texts messages we've exchanged. I'm a soprano. I can't count that high. The important part is that by early Friday, he'd asked for the date. It is slated for next Friday, this coming Friday. I'm making him make the plans, so I don't know yet what we're doing. Why so far away? Well, I was out of town until Saturday evening, and he leaves Sunday morning very early for a business trip. He's not back until Thursday night. Then I leave again on Saturday for a conference. So it was Friday, or two weeks from now.

Here's the 411 on Bachelor #5. He's 46, divorced about 8 years now. He has two kids; one is a sophomore at KU (Rock Chalk Jayhawk!) and the other about to start her senior year of high school. An electrical engineer by training, he does sales/marketing business blah blah. In many ways, he has several of the hallmarks of a classic rebound: longer hair and a 3-day stubble beard (I told D I prefered my men clean shaven with neatly trimmed hair when he was considering growing his longer), has a motorcycle and a convertible, that kind of stuff. Oh, and he also lives about 5 minutes from me, but thankfully he's southwest of me; D lives northwest.

While that has been moving along just fine and dandy, of course a few more winks and such have rolled in. I only mention these because it's been "Return of the Formers" again. The first was someone that I just haven't found attractive enough to reciprocate either time. The second... oh boy, the second. My first time around on Match, we exchanged several emails but I was hesitant to give him my number. I don't remember why, I just was. He went ballistic and ended up blocking me. Classy. So obviously he remembers me. Not. Or, he's really, really optimistic.


Then there's number three. When I saw his screen name pop up on the text message, I literally groaned out loud. His profile is pretty thin on information and he has one picture up. What info is there is stuff I like, but he is one who will wink and then you never hear from him again. You might email, you might wink back, but you won't hear anything. Then, when enough time has passed where he can wink again, he does.

I'm so not playing that game again.

Also in this mix is one who may end up being Bachelor #6. Right now, I'm a little hesitant to give him a designation, but I'm guardedly optimistic. Today as I was driving home from MN, he winked at me. At lunch, I checked out his profile and liked what I read and saw, so I winked back. And then I decided to go ahead and email him, based on things in his profile. So far, we've exchanged 3 or so emails. Honestly, I was kind of surprised he replied, because historically if I've been the first to email nothing ends up happening. Even if the guy winked at me or made me a favorite, if I email first, nothing happens.

Well, Bachelor #5 responded to me winking at him. Bachelor #6 replied to an email. Maybe the tide is turning.

Here's the lowdown on #6. He's 49, divorced, and the kids live away from home. His main profile picture kind of screams "douche," but once you get past that, he's really quite handsome. He's got that tanned skin, salt-and-pepper hair, grey eyes thing going for him, which I think is hot. His occupation is listed as "executive/management," but our conversation has yet to go anywhere near jobs. I like what his profile has to say, so we'll see if the communication continues. Like I said, I'm a little hesitant to actually give him a Bachelor number.

Guess you'll just have to check back here and see what happens now, won't you?


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