Oh, boy...

Sometimes, life throws you curve balls. Great big stinking hit-this-out-of-the-park curve balls, and all you can do is stand there like you've been hit in the forehead with a hammer.

In spite of my self-deprecating commentary, I know I am a reasonably attractive person. This is even more so after my weight loss. Still, I've never been one who has had multiple guys interested in me. I've been lucky if one guy is interested in me - and I in him. So for me to schedule two first dates in one week is such virgin territory I don't know what to do with myself.

I was supposed to meet Bachelor #6, G, tomorrow night. We had set up a time to meet very late in the evening at one of my favorite bar & grills. On Thursday evenings, I teach back-to-back Zumba classes and don't finish until 7:45. After grabbing a shower and getting pulled together, it would be 8:30 at the earliest when we could meet. Given our respective schedules, that was our only option. So while not ideal, we were going to make it work.

The use of past-tense grammar is not accidental. That is how it was supposed to happen... until a little after 2:00 this afternoon.

G (#6) is not big into lots of emails or texts prior to meeting. Some guys are, and some aren't. Once establishing there was sufficient mutual interest, he went straight to the scheduling. So when his name showed up on a text message this afternoon, I was quite surprised. Turns out, his schedule had changed and tonight was going to be better than tomorrow. (Tonight was what I had originally suggested because I had the entire evening open; no Zumba classes to contend with.) Could I make tonight work?

Yes. Yes, I could. We established a place and a time. I finished up at work and made a quick haircut appointment before going home and trying on a portion of my closet. Then as I was primping and prepping, and my phone rang. Caller ID: G.

He was calling to let me know he might be a little late and he didn't want me to think he was standing me up. I thought that quite considerate of him, truth be told. Then the conversation got rolling, which was a good sign except I had not a drop of makeup on and I needed to be out the door in 20 minutes to be on time. Somehow, I managed to put my face on and get on the road and to the appointed place on time.

First impression: definitely cute. Second impression: if he's 5'9", I'm the Queen of Sheba. He might be 5'7". I was really glad I had decided to wear flats.

The restaurant where we had agreed to meet was ridiculously busy. It has an outdoor theater as part of it, and there was a show tonight which neither of us knew about. So we walked around the Crossroads area and ended up at a different, much quieter place where we sat outside enjoying the beautiful evening. 3 hours, 3 beers apiece, and a couple shared dishes later, we walked back to our respective parking spots.

G: "So am I going to get to talk to you again?"
Me: "If you call or text me, yes."

A little more conversation, where he expressed disappointment over not being able to see me again before I leave on my business trip, a couple of hugs and one sweet kiss later, I climbed into my car a very happy camper.

Then I replied to the texts that #5, A, had sent me during the evening. Yeah. I had told him prior to leaving that I was "going out" this evening but should be home at a reasonable hour. His second text, which I got not too long before G & I wrapped things up, was A telling me if he got back to his hotel at a decent hour he might call. Not unexpected.

So here's some more information on G, #6. He is 49, divorced, with two great kids who are 10 and 14, soon to be 11 and 15. His primary occupation is being a chef, but he also has his pilot's license and in his spare time he has a band that does a Pink Floyd tribute show. We share a very similar sense of humor and the evening never got awkward, which can so often happen on a first date. I'm legitimately looking forward to hearing from him and seeing him again.

I'm also looking forward to Friday night with A. I enjoyed tonight more than I thought I would, and God only knows if the same will happen Friday. I have no need to make a decision right now. Part of being an adult and dating is meeting lots of different people, although I have always struggled with the concept. I even posted on Facebook how, if I'm struggling with the early stages of dating two guys, how in the heck do people have affairs?! I just can't fathom that.

I had a great evening with #6, G. I will meet and spend time with #5, A, on Friday. Do I feel like I'm living part of an episode of "The Bachelorette?" Absolutely. Am I just going to try and have fun? Absolutely.


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