Could I be... twitterpated?

I certainly hope you read that title in the voice of Dana Carvey as The Church Lady.

And if you didn't, you just went back and did it.  Thank you.

Well, the emails and texts have been flying between Bachelor #5 and myself.  This is my divorced architect.  We had left it with my email sitting in his inbox overnight.  Summarizing this evening's many emails, our days went pretty much like this:

He read my email first thing this morning, and wanted to reply but had to get his son ready for the first day of school and didn't have time.  He thought all day at work about replying, but either didn't want to have to do it on his phone (totally understandable) or didn't have time.  Once he got home from work, he replied.  Twice.  The second reply including his phone number.

Meanwhile, my day consisted of me obsessively checking my personal email every time my phone beeped seeing if I had a message from him.  When I got out of yoga and saw that I did, I was grinning like a loon... until I remembered I had to go to Walmart before going home and I didn't want to bang out a reply on my phone.  That made me cranky until I got home and tried to write a reply while cooking & eating dinner.

Good Lord, I'm 36.  Since when did I think having to wait an additional 40 minutes to send a reply was a tragedy?  I'm a pro at the "this email doesn't need a reply right now" ignoring of emails.

But when it came down to it, we both confessed that we'd been very much looking forward to hearing from the other.  I am taking this as a good sign.  I haven't felt this way about any of the others, not about the person specifically.  Yes, I became excited that I was communicating with a guy and there was a date involved -- new territory!  But honestly this is different.  I can't quite explain how, and maybe my enthusiasm will fade away when we finally meet -- but I certainly hope not.

As to when that meeting will be, don't hold your breath.  He's going out of town this weekend to visit his brother, and he'll be gone Friday through Sunday.

I think so far what I'm appreciating is that we're taking our time.  This isn't a "let's exchange 4 emails and set up a date" pattern.  We're both excited to communicate, but we aren't pushing for that date just yet.  All in good time.  Meanwhile, we are getting to know each other through emails and texts, letting things grow as they will.  It doesn't hurt that he's attractive (to me), educated, has a good job, loves his son, and has an interesting personality.  And, thank God, he's not a musician.

He's also tall enough where I can wear any of my heels and he'll still be taller than me.  When you're a shoe diva, this is important.

So I shall keep you all posted...


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