Confession: I Crumbled

As I've stated about 7,000 times in the past few blog posts, P has been out of town visiting his twin brother in Seattle.  What I knew about the trip from our date and our conversations included two important facts.  Or, at least important to me.  First, his flights were direct.  Second, his flight left Seattle around 11:00 this morning.

So perhaps this puts me in that gray area of stalker-potential-girlfriend, but armed with that information it was not hard to go to the KC airport website and check on flights arriving from Seattle.  Especially since KCI is a medium-sized airport.  There were only two, and only one met the criterion.  Ergo, I was pretty sure P was landing around 3:40 this afternoon.

I was bound and determined to NOT text him.  I have no reason to doubt his word that he's given me multiple times that he'd be in touch once he got back from his whirlwind trip.  Ever an optimist, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt until he shows me otherwise.

I made it to not quite 7:30.

"Hey there... idk if you're back yet, but I hope you had fun on your crazy whirlwind trip! Hope to hear from you sometime. :-)"

(Admittedly, I tend to over-use emoticons.)

I then went into the bathroom to begin the nightly ablutions: face washing, teeth brushing, etc.  I'm subbing a class for a colleague at the ungodly hour of 5:40 tomorrow morning, so I'm trying to get to bed early.

It took P all of 2 minutes to reply, if that.  And his reply was sending me a picture of him while he was in Seattle.

Now that was pretty much the extent of the "conversation," at least at this point.  But I'm okay with that; he just returned from a trip where he was on the ground in Seattle for all of about 42 hours, having left directly from work and he'll be headed back into the office first thing tomorrow.  I know I'd be going slightly bonkers -- I did crazy schedule stuff like that when I was traveling a lot more as a singer and teaching full time at a college.  I'd fly back on an early morning flight from a different time zone in order to get back in time to teach a certain class, always on a Monday, and I know the rest of the week I was usually a little "off."  Discombobulated, if you will.  So I can certainly empathize and sympathize with how his body schedule is feeling right now.

Who knows if there will be more to the conversation as the evening progresses.  As I've said before, it is not uncommon for him to awake in the middle of the night and text or email me.  Honestly, I'm just personally happy he replied right away... and he sent me a picture of himself. 

And at least for another evening, I won't have to console myself with the ice cream in the freezer.


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