The Fabulous and the Hilarious

Let's see if I can compose a coherent sentence, as I'm grinning like a loon and floating on cloud nine.  And, I'm happy.  Very happy.

Tonight, somewhat unexpectedly, I had a date with Bachelor #5, who we'll call P.  I say unexpectedly because although we've been communicating pretty rapidly for the past several days, I knew he was going out of town this coming weekend and figured if we were going to meet, it would be after that.


At 4:40 this morning, I got a text from him that said he'd be at a certain area this evening, and was that anywhere near me.  Yes, 4:40.  In the morning.  I already know he, like myself, has a form of insomnia (he's in denial about his, but so what).  He tends to wake up in the middle of the night; I've gotten emails from him at 3-something in the morning which is how I know this.  So I heard it and read it, and didn't respond until after my alarm went off at 5:45 and I rolled my butt out of bed at 6:10.

We set up a coffee date for tonight.  I went with decaf because I was already wired enough.  Two and a half hours later, after many laughs and a fantastic conversation, we both went, "Holy cow, it's 10:00.  We have to go to work tomorrow!"  But even before then, I knew I wanted to see more of him.  I definitely did not feel this with anyone I've been out with recently.  I felt it within 15 minutes of meeting him.  Actually, maybe subconsciously within the first minute.

I hate to be shallow, but I'm human and part of dating is the physical attraction.  What I'd seen in his pictures wasn't unattractive, but it also wasn't STOP THE PRESSES, THIS GUY IS HOT, you know?  In person, to me, he was much more attractive.  The fact that we had a really great conversation, found out we enjoy several things in common that weren't on our profiles, just added to the attraction.  And apparently he feels the same way, because we were both adamant about staying in touch and seeing each other again when he gets back into town.

Yep.  Date #2, TBD.  And already I can't wait.

Two hilarious... well, at least to me hilarious... tangents from tonight, unrelated to P.  The first happened at Starbucks when I arrived.  I was a few minutes early and P wasn't there yet, so I took a seat at a table right by the front door.  As I was on my phone playing Words With Friends and waiting for P, this guy who was fairly attractive yet had that certain eau de douchebag about him was walking out with his froofy drink and he stopped and completely gave me the "hey hey good looking" eyes.  Foreign territory to me!  I don't usually get checked out like that... and it was a great ego boost going into the date.

And the other hilarious tangent involves an email from another interested guy off of Match.  I have never, I repeat, NEVER been the recipient of a cheesy pick-up line.  Sure, I've heard about them, but they almost have that urban legend feel about them.  That "I know this girl who was at this bar, and this guy totally said to her..." kind of story.  But then I got an email tonight that started with "I am not sure if it is possible for someone to have a more beautiful smile than you.  If it is, I would be suprised [sic] that the other person isn't your twin."  Flattering, and yet cheesy... especially when you see his profile picture. 

Thanks, but I'll be sticking with P for now. 


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