Quick Update

Just a quick update, friends.  You all know that I've been stressing about date number 2 and all that.  Well while I hope our schedules align for something this coming week -- he's booked this weekend with charity events and his son -- it looks like we might have set up something for next weekend.  On top of that, two promising signs that things are on the path I want after this morning's fretting.

Next weekend one of my best friends is coming into town, along with her boyfriend and son who is the same age as P's son.  The three of them are big baseball fans, and their home team is playing my home team.  She asked if P wanted to join us, so I asked him.  I knew this could be awkward.  To paraphrase that somewhat obnoxious pop song, "hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but do you want to meet one of my high school friends, her boyfriend, and her son?"

Turns out P has his own son that weekend. Oh boy!  Potential deal-breaker.  Hey!  For our second date, let's not only have you meet one of my oldest friends -- and her boyfriend and son -- but let's also have me meet your son for the first time.

Gotta love middle-aged dating in 2012.  As of right now, next Saturday my friend, her boyfriend, and her son will be joined by me, P, and his son at a baseball game.  Two non-traditional "families," for lack of a better term, double dating.  Of course, it's a week away and anything could happen, but I think it's a very positive sign that not only does he clearly find me physically attractive, but he is willing to meet my friends and let me meet his son.

Time to clean the house!


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