It is ON Like Donkey Kong!

Date numero dos, that is.

Tickets have been purchased for Saturday's "Royals versus Twins in a battle for mediocrity in the American League Central" game.  Six tickets.  Yep.  My friend, her boyfriend, her son, me... and P and his son.  I am obviously excited, and at the same time nervous as all get-out.

Then again, the more I think about it, at least 3 of the 6 of us have a reason to be nervous.  I'm nervous because while we've been texting and all that, this will be the second time P and I will actually be together in person.  Add to that meeting his son, and I can only imagine what it is like for the only child of divorced parents to meet one of their parent's new "friends," especially when that child is old enough to understand the concept of dating, but not old enough to really understand dating -- especially between two middle-aged adults.  And as the icing on the cake, I'm nervous about introducing P to a good friend.  I certainly like him, and I'm sure she'll like him because I like him, but I'm also opening myself up to critique.

Now P has to be apprehensive at some level, not only for the reasons I've listed above -- second date with me, and me meeting his son -- but he's also meeting one of my friends.  A friend that I have known since middle school, a friend that's been a friend for over 20 years.  Granted, we were out of touch for a large chunk in the middle, but still... he's already said he's going to try to keep her "beered up" in an effort to get her to spill secrets about me.

What he doesn't know is that she's former military and has been trained well.  She doesn't break.  Should be interesting to watch.

Who else is nervous?  I'm sure P's son is a bit anxious.  I know when I was his age, going to a gathering where I only knew one person wasn't something that made me excited.  Heck, even at 36 going to a gathering where I only know one person rarely excites me.  Fortunately 10 year old boys are resilient and tend to make friends easily.  I know very little about J (P's son) but I do know M (my friend's son) and I think all will be okay.  Still, J is probably little uneasy about meeting his dad's new friend.  I do not know how long P and his ex-wife have been divorced, and I don't know if meeting "dad's new 'friends'" is a common occurrence for J.  All I can do is pray and hope for the best, and know that I'm pretty good with kids.

I have no idea if the Minnesota contingency is anxious at all.  I know my friend is excited to meet Mr. P.  I can't imagine she'd be nervous, though.  I've met her boyfriend more than once, as well as her son.  We are all comfortable enough with each other where on a week's notice (give or take) we make plans for them to come visit and stay with me in my spacious 1200 square foot apartment for a couple days.

In the meantime, I have 6 days to clean my house and obsess over Saturday evening's plans.  Will I see P before then?  Unlikely.  My schedule this week has me working every evening until 7:30 at the earliest -- most of those being teaching at the gym, meaning I'd need a post-work shower to be publicly acceptable -- and then the Twins Cities crew arrives.  Such is life.  At least we have phones and texting!


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