Be Careful What You Wish For...

...because sometimes, the universe gives you exactly what you wish for.

As we all know, I'm overly analytical and have enough angst about my dating life to give some of those popular teen books a run for their money.  So when the texting conversations between me and P went away from the sexting and into normal territory, I was happy.  Maybe we could have an actual relationship, not just bed-buddies!  And then when that continued for several days, I gradually went from happy to concerned.

Was he cooling off on me?  Was the second round not good enough for him, in spite of what he said?  Did he no longer find me physically desirable? Cue building panic, based on years of singledom and prior rejections after only a couple of fun nights.

I was admittedly missing the sexting.  I was also missing, believe it or not, the 3:00 a.m. text messages.  Crazy as it is to be awakened in the middle of the night, I oddly find it comforting or flattering that when he wakes up in the middle of the night, it's me that he wants to talk to.

Well, karma's a bitch.  A nasty, nasty bitch.

Yesterday I met a couple girlfriends for drinks and dinner.  Our conversation veered into the very personal, trading experiences and tips and such about our bedroom escapades.  There was an awkward moment when the waitress decided to check on our table (made even more awkward because the service had been really poor) right as we were discussing handcuffs.  Upon leaving, I shared that story with P.  We exchanged a couple of LOL's and went about our evenings, end of conversation.

At 3:10 this morning, he decided to pick up the conversation where we'd left off.  For an hour.

You miss the sexting, you say?  You miss the 3:00 a.m. texts, wasn't that what you said?  It was karma's turn to LOL.

There were no requests for a romp -- which he wouldn't have gotten anyways.  For me, not when we are not in the same bed on a night when my alarm is going off at 5:30, and not when "Aunt Flo" is also visiting.  (He also had to be up equally early.)  This was just good old-fashioned sexting.  For an hour.  I kept delaying my responses so he might get the hint.  Just as I would be on the precipice of sleep, his text message tone would sound.  Again.

Previous 3 a.m. sexting conversations ended in one of two ways.  Most commonly, they'd go for about 20-25 minutes and then he'd fall asleep again.  There was that one time, though, where the 3 a.m. sexting wasn't about the sexting but about getting me to come to his house.  Yep, we know how that ended.  So for him to keep the conversation going at 3 a.m. for an hour is unprecedented.

Sometimes the sexting gets a little monotonous.  He's, shall we say, blessed.  Endowed.  Well-hung.  Whatever the descriptor, I have no complaints in the size department.  The thing is, he gets wrapped up in that, too, constantly reminding me of that fact.  Most of his 3 a.m. sexts make some reference to how big he is somehow.  I'm not a kiss-and-tell kind of girl, though.  When I'm talking with my girlfriends, I'm not going to be bragging in detail about the size of my man's member.  He doesn't necessarily understand why I don't.

Most girls just don't talk about that kind of stuff.  Yes, we'll share experiences in generalities and give each other tips and pointers on various techniques.  We'll laugh about times where things went askew.  We'll convince each other why a kinky request is a good thing or the pros and cons of a certain toy.  We might commiserate about those awkward moments that we all have during sex.  We might talk about unusual (for us) curves or angles, but we aren't going to share the dimensions of our boyfriend/husband/lover's genitalia.  (Of course, with my gay bois, nothing is off-limits!)

The thing is, based on his texts, he wants me to brag about him to my girlfriends.  If I have any guy readers out there, please chime in on this.  Do you want your girlfriends talking about the size of your member to their friends?  Do you talk about the size of her breasts or other intimate details to your friends?  Why?

Regardless, maybe I need to start asking karma for an actual relationship...


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