And Then There Were 12

Before we get to Bachelor #12, J, an update on 8, 9, 10, and 11.

*wipes brow*

#8, K.  Still haven't heard from him.  I plan to zip him a text tonight saying, "I'm beginning to think I'm never going to actually hear from you" and see what happens.  If nothing, no loss.

#9, SLB.  I previously misstated Shorty Latino Boy's age.  He's in his mid-40s -- perhaps that is why Match thought I should email P because I emailed SLB??  Well, he replied last night as I was online replying to #12, J.  The email from SLB was a list of questions to answer.  Remember a couple years ago, when everyone on Facebook was posting notes with their answers to questions like, "Twilight or Harry Potter?"  "Chocolate or vanilla?"  That's what I got from SLB.  Interesting.  Still haven't exchanged names.

#10, EGS.  This is the cutie with a great smile but fairly thin profile, who has "favorited" me and "liked" one of my pics, but not replied to my email.  According to Match, he has been active within the past 3 days (meaning, longer than 24 hours ago).  Figures.

#11, D.  This was the "hey, wanna feed my dog while I'm in Cancun, just kidding!" email.  I replied, haven't heard back.  He's been listed as "Online Now!" every time I've checked today, so I strongly suspect he logged in via his phone and didn't close out the browser page.  I'm finding myself increasingly intrigued by him, weirdly enough.  I'm anxious for a reply.  I suspect part of that is because he advertises "long, slow kisses" on his profile and frankly, kissing was one department that P was sorely hurting in... bless his little nerdy Trekkie heart.

Now we come to #12, J.  J started off yesterday evening by "winking" at me.  I viewed his profile and decided to take care of other things while I debated replying.  He saw that I viewed his profile, and decided to email me.

Points for taking initiative.  Which were cancelled out by the subject line of his email.

Those who really know me know to not really ask about my dissertation.  On my profile under college, I say that I am "ABD on my DMA, bonus points if you know what that means!"  His subject line was, "So when are you going to finish that dissertation?"

If there is one question that will set me on edge like no other, that's it.

I replied to his email, not really addressing that at all.  He wrote back late last night (it's the guys who are online and winking or emailing at 2 a.m. that have me regretting the text notifications from Match) and in his email said he "hoped the subject line made me smile."

I wrote back this morning, handling that delicately.  Except for whatever reason the email, written on my phone, didn't go through.  So I sent another email this afternoon, wherein I said that I know he had no way of knowing this, but I basically hate that question, and gave a very brief reason why, saving the majority of the rant/explanation for some other time.  Since he thinks I owe him a drink for knowing what ABD and DMA are, perhaps once he knows he actually annoyed me will have him thinking he owes me the drink.

The 411 on #12... 39 y.o. divorced with 3 kids, middle school teacher.  Nice enough to chat with, not sure I really want to actually meet him, but we'll see.  As much as I love kids, knowing that he has 2 teenagers is enough for me to be apprehensive.  I have gathered he hasn't been divorced that long, and kids that age can be really difficult when working through their parents' break-up.

If I had to rank them, I'd have to put #11, D at the top for several reasons.  Behind him it would be a toss-up between #8, K, and #10, EGS.  After that, #12, J, and completing the line-up, #9, SLB.

So of course this means that I'll strike out with all 5 of them, you know, because that's Murphy's Law.

The other issue looming for me to deal with is that I'm in my last month of membership on Match, and it looks like I won't qualify for the 6 month guarantee because there was one month -- my second month -- where I didn't communicate with 5 guys.  If I don't end up wanting to focus on one of these, or perhaps some other guy I meet in the next 29 days, I'll have to decide if I want to plunk down the money again.  I think part of it will depend on the renewal cost, because I have to admit that even if there are times I want to pull my hair out and kick and scream about the guys on Match, I am having fun.

Decisions, decisions, decisions.


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