Friday Night in the Big City

Yep.  It's Friday night, a little after 9:00 p.m.  I got home around 5:30, and proceeded to see how quickly I could free myself of my bra and pinned-up hair and be in sweats.  For the past couple of months, I wouldn't have done this because of the possibility of hearing from P.

No more.

See, now is when some of the reality is starting to set in.  I really realized it last night, as I was heading home from having subbed a bootcamp class at one of the gyms I teach at.  The desire to grab the phone and send him a text of some sort was really crazy, and that's when I had to come to terms with certain things.  Primarily, even though we weren't exclusive and two months isn't that long of a period, we had still settled into some familiar patterns.  And even though it was only two months, I had gotten a taste of what it was like to share parts of my life with someone in a more intimate and meaningful way than say, via Facebook.

No more.

I don't regret a damn thing, even if the choice were completely mine.  It was a fun two months, but I have some issues I'll need to address over the next few weeks.  Everyone comes into our lives for a reason, and we are changed by them in some manner.  How we adapt to those changes is what defines our characters.

Meanwhile, I'm still batting .000 on guys that I've contacted via Match.  Mr. Hot Medical Sales Guy? No response.  Captain Hot Pilot?  No response -- although that one doesn't surprise me nearly as much.  I've been "winked at" by a few guys, all of which (so far) I've not responded to.  The most recent doesn't have a picture up, and sorry, but this is a dating website in the 21st Century.  No picture, no response.  There just seems to be this odd circle in dating, of which I only see a portion of: guys outside my match criteria wink at me, while I'm chasing men in my criteria who are off chasing women who are in their criteria... and on and on.

Based on the profiles I've read, that one woman who happens to be "secure, spontaneous, honest, has a good sense of humor, with a little sass, classy, with a little freaky, without drama, who wants kids/has kids/loves kids/all of the above, has a good career yet is available to go away on a moment's notice for a long weekend, takes care of herself but isn't wrapped up in how she looks, and is HOT" must be getting a ton of action.  And she must be able to overlook all of their shortcomings, too, while maintaining her perfection.

Excuse me while I gag.

Seriously, I'm not in one of those "bitter against all men" kind of phases.  I know there's a good guy for me out there somewhere.  I have faith -- some may think it crazy -- that God has someone for me.  However, I am a bit on the verge of throwing a tantrum worthy of a 3 year old if that someone isn't shown to me pretty soon.  As if God is going to be swayed by a 36 year old woman throwing a tantrum.  I could end up in the belly of a large fish if I'm not careful.  (Hmm.  Better cancel that cruise... oh, wait, I'm not going on one.)

Meanwhile, as I sit outside on this slightly chilly evening, listening to the gentle rain fall and enjoying the unique aroma of a good, cleansing fall rain, I always have my blog, my imagination, and the Words With Friends games I've been playing for the past 2 hours.

Friday night in the big city.  Look out!


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