Actions Speak Louder Than Words

That's a saying that goes both ways.

It's the primary reason why I'm cutting P loose.  He would say all the right things, but never act upon them.  He would say "Yes, we need to spend more time together" and "Yes, let's find time this weekend" but when it came to actually acting upon them... nothing.  Not just the past week or so, but for the majority of our "relationship."  It's much easier to see, now that the rose-colored glasses are off.

Of course, I too have to actually act and not just speak.  Or, in my case, blog.  So I'm here to say that I actually did it.  I sent the text message.  Technically, text messages.  The first read:

"I'm going to be blunt: I'm moving on & I'm perfectly happy to only be 'friends with benefits' until one of us is seeing someone exclusively. No strings attached sex.  Sound ok?  LMK, even if your answer is "no/go away."

The second, which I sent about 10 or so minutes later, read:

"You're a good guy & I'm glad I met you. But, it's just clear we want different things. So, I'll be leaving you alone unless we're FWB or whatever. Take care, babe."

Truly, I meant every word.  He is a good guy, compared to a lot of the jerks I've met and known.  And he'll be a great guy for someone else.  I don't regret meeting him, dating him, or sleeping with him.  Lastly, I sent that second message because it's just who I am.  I can't tell someone "I'm moving on" and not be relatively nice about it or explain.  Perhaps it's the teacher in me; even when we're disciplining a student, tearing them up one side and down the other, we're explaining why their behavior was unacceptable and why they should turn it around.

Will I hear back from him?  I honestly doubt it, particularly given how the communication has been over the past week or so.  It's only been about 2 months, so it isn't like I have things to eradicate from my life... no mementos to destroy or anything.  I did, however, change his text message tone back to my default sound.  (If we end up being FWB, I may change it back just so I know what is coming through is a booty call.)

Meanwhile, it's back to being active on Match for me.  I've got a couple that I'm interested in, but as I said in my previous post, we shall see.  My history with me making the "first move" on Match hasn't been good -- at all!  Perhaps it's time for that to change as well.

We shall see.


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