Blind Leading the Blind?

In 45 minutes, I'm leaving to go on a date.  So naturally, I'm blogging.

No, it's not with K.  This is actually, surprisingly, with #12, J.  24 hours ago, give or take, I was replying to his message wherein he said he wasn't sure we were that much of a match, etc.  I told him I felt the same way, but as I was getting to know him I did want to keep chatting.

One thing about him, he's observant of details and the little things.  I made a comment about how I'd appreciated that his email wasn't one of the typical, "Hey, you're cute/hot, wanna meet?" emails.

This morning's email, sent at 1:45 a.m. from him, had the subject line "Hey, you're cute/hot, wanna meet?"  It also included his phone number, so I texted him.  In the end, I agreed to meet him, and we left it at that.  He was "really looking forward to it."

A few hours later, after I got off work, I replied that I too was looking forward to it, and to him suggesting plans.

Cue panic and some interesting revelations on his part.  And, the title of this blog.

I knew from this morning's email that although he and his ex wife have been on the outs for a while, the divorce has only been final for about a month.  Grrrreat.  Tonight will be his first "first date" in 14 years.

Hi, my name is Rebound.  Nice to meet you!

Maybe not.  Maybe its a mutual rebound.  Who knows.  This is what I do know.  I've been praying for guidance in my dating.  The end result, so far, is that the ones I put higher on the preference list have been pushed aside and the dark horse is the one who actually asks me out.  My conscious brain questions whether or not I'm attracted.  My subconscious brain registers the "need" for a new top, emergency pedicure (oh, and let's get a mani at the same time, even though we pretty much never do that), let's smile when we think of him and his bumbling shyness, take that extra time on our makeup and hair, oh, and let's knock back a glass of wine because whether or not we want to admit it, we're a little nervous.

We've actually talked on the phone, believe it or not.  That's how we finalized plans for tonight, at his suggestion.  And that whole conversation, he was nervous as a high-strung cat.  Chatty, friendly, wanting to engage in conversation, and at the same time very nervous.

When did I become the experienced one in the dating pair?  Wow.

We're meeting for dinner -- can you believe this is my first actual, real, "let's have dinner" first date? -- and then, in his words, "making plans from there."  So sometime in the next 24-36 or so hours, I'll post an update.  Tomorrow is kind of busy, and I have a 5:30 a.m. alarm.  But I will post.

Time to finish getting ready...


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