Early Morning Text Messages

Text messages can be good.  Text messages can be bad.  Text messages can fall into the "neither" category. Early morning texts are often a category of their own.

First, what is "early morning?"  I am not a morning person.  As I once read on the internet, "all the coffee in Columbia couldn't make me a morning person."  But "early morning" depends on many factors.  Generally, anything before about 5:00 a.m. is still "middle of the night."  This includes having to leave for the airport at 4:30 a.m.  Starting around 5:00 a.m. would be "early morning" for me, but how long that runs depends on the day.  Basically, "early morning" is between 5:00 a.m. and my second or third cup of coffee.  Some mornings, that's all of 7:30 because I'm already at work by then, nursing my travel mug and complaining about the hour.  Some mornings, that's 9:00 a.m.

Thursday is one of the few days I get to sleep in.  On some rare occasions, I'll get up and take a friend's gym class at 9:15, but not today.  So a text message at 8:00 on this Thursday would fall into the "early morning" category.

Unsurprisingly, because I'm writing about it on this blog, it was from Bachelor #8, K.

There have been two other bachelors who have texted me early in the morning.  The first was #2, C.  That started with "Good morning, sunshine!"  Now, there is one man that I can think of who can call me sunshine and live to tell about it.  He happens to be a 60+ year old gay man and one of my dearest friends.  Bachelor #2 I was already starting to feel ambivalent about prior to that text, so the early morning and the cutesy moniker furthered his demise.

The second bachelor to text me early in the morning was, of course, our beloved P.  Even before we "hooked up," he'd text me at 3:00 a.m. (which is actually the middle of the night) and we set up our first date via text around 6:45 in the morning.  In the weeks that followed, early morning texts did, on occasion, happen although the middle of the night texts were more common.

The 8:00 a.m. text from #8, K, is actually the first text I've received from him.  I texted him yesterday afternoon, but it was one of those texts that didn't necessarily demand a reply.  This morning's text was rather long, and included the line, "Don't be surprised if I call you later on."


I replied, telling him to drive safe (he's driving from KC to Colorado tonight to do volunteer work there this weekend) and that I looked forward to hearing from him.  Will I actually hear from him?  I don't really know.  Because Friday is another early morning and I think I'm getting sick, I'll be heading to bed here soon and when I do, I'll send him a text saying as much -- but that if he has time this weekend he's more than welcome to call.

His original email said, "ask me anything you want."  So my original reply did, but I never got answers to those questions.  Remember, 24 hours later I hadn't heard from him.  After that, I sent a second email just because I wasn't sure how my first email had actually sounded -- and I further said that if I didn't hear back from him, good luck on his search on Match.

That's when I got a reply that started with "Don't give up on me yet!"  He gave me his number, invited me to call or text, and he further explained he'd been really busy and overwhelmed with Match.  The latter I definitely understand and agree with; Match sends you "Daily Matches" plus a daily email of additional matches, often 20 or more.  In any given day, you could be sorting through 30 or 40 profiles.  It really can be overwhelming.  Personally, I don't go through the daily email.  Maybe I'm not proactive enough, but so be it.

We shall see if I hear from K.  At this point, I'm intrigued but guarded.  I don't know if it's the twice bitten thing or if I'm just gradually getting savvier at this dating thing.  Perhaps it's a little bit of both.

In other news, this evening I've received two additional winks.  One was from a gentleman who I'm sure is very nice and I applaud his losing 80 pounds, but even with that and based on his pictures, "a few extra pounds" is quite optimistic.  Sorry, sir, but good luck on your search, and yes, I'm that shallow.  The second was from a guy who has winked at me twice already and emailed me once... the infamous libido-crushing "your cute" email.  He's favorited me, too.  Flattering, and he's attractive enough, but apparently he has the memory of a tadpole.

Sigh.  I've only been at this for four months, and already I'm wondering if I'll ever find my prince among the frogs.  Yeah, yeah, I know.  All in good time, all in God's time.


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