Bachelor #8

Since returning to being "active" on Match, I've been getting about one "wink" or email per day, which isn't too shabby, all things considered.  The fact that there's been no mutual interest makes it a little discouraging.  I've set it up so when I get a "wink" or an email on Match, I get a text message.  Today's highlight was my phone sending me two messages at basically the same time: one a wink and one an email.

The wink... will go without a reply, just like every other wink I've received in the past couple of weeks.  I hate sounding shallow, but I know what I want and what I don't.  I don't want to date someone who is 21+ years older than me -- been there, done that.  And no offense to a couple of my friends, but handlebar mustaches I just don't find attractive.  Those two elements alone are not going to encourage me to dig further through your profile to try to find the "good."  Not when Match is sending me 20+ profiles a day.

The email, though, brings us to Bachelor #8.  For the first time, we have a duplicate in letters; this one is also a K.  (Side note: I understand and yet I don't about people who include their name in their screen name.  However, he also signed his email with his name.)  Based on his profile, he's a 45 year old analytical chemist, never married, but who has been in several long term relationships that just didn't work out for whatever reason.  With only one picture up, I'm neither saying he's unattractive nor super hot, but he's sufficiently attractive for me to respond.

It is actually more important, though, that his profile showed a great sense of humor and a guy who is grounded and secure.  There were grammar and spelling issues, but I know I'm not going to find perfection.  Besides, he's a chemist, so he's no dummy.  His profile actually made me smile, legitimately smile.  On a day where I'm dragging and not feeling all that perky, a profile that makes me smile says a lot.

Let's be honest: physical attributes will fade.  While physical chemistry is important in a dating relationship, for me a sense of humor and the ability to have a good conversation is as much, if not more, of an aphrodisiac.  In any relationship, you'll be spending time together.  (At least, hopefully.  Look at what I just ended.  Cough, cough.)  Frankly, the best part of that time will be just doing stuff together -- talking, shopping, cooking, whatever -- not what may or may not happen in the bedroom.

So I replied to his email.  We shall see how, or even if, things progress from here.  At least for now, I feel a little bit more "back in the saddle" than I did a week ago!


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