Let the Texting Begin!

Quick update, blogosphere.

I got a reply from K, Bachelor #8.  He included his phone number and an invitation to "call or text."  For a second email, this might be a little quick.  However, I'm becoming increasingly cynical and at the same time savvy about this whole Match thing, and for whatever reason I trust him.  So, I replied and included my own phone number.

I haven't texted him yet.  Maybe tomorrow.  We'll see if he texts first.  No need whatsoever to rush this.

Meanwhile, I'm still wrestling with the spectre of P.  I've drafted a blog post about it, about how we were only dating in reality a short time and we were never exclusive, yet certain things are just tainted because of conversations or experiences I had with him.  If I ever have a real boyfriend, if and when that goes south I'm going to be a true hot mess.

Still, every day the spectre gets less and less.  Having a new interest who is truly funny and seems very sincere, one who is upfront about wanting to be friends first, is helping me.  There's a very long way to go yet with K, and who knows who else may enter the mix here.

For the time being, though, I'm actually fairly content.


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